Oct 18, 2009 05:42
Sometime last week at around 8AM
So I'm just sitting upstairs starring at this scan bar slowly fill up while I'm trying to fix my Mom's computer. I figured I'd write something since I told Amy I'd have an 11 page entry for her birthday. 1/3 of a page down...
I sketched out how I'd like my "broken elevator" tattoo to look, and the sketch is actually pretty cool. I'll take a picture of it and put it behind an lj_cut (picture will be up soon) when this becomes digital. The only thing I'm not sure about is the size. It's pretty big but it'd be going on my thigh which isn't exactly small. It'll be a while for that though so I'll worry about it then.
As I clean this computer out I've been looking at my sister's youtube.com account. It's weird seeing her use things like "lolz" and "XD". I should try and get her into WoW.
Another issue I've been dealing with lately is my memory. It's horrible. I forget not only simple and trivial stuff, but I forget big things too. I wish I knew what's going on and if there was something I could do to help it. I think I'm going to start writing down stuff that I need to remember, I just need to remember to do that. I'll get a little notepad and pen, and start writing in that.
My mom just told me that Ohio Edison is hiring line men. Apparently they do training and everything so I think I'll check it out. Plus they would supply the vehicle. I've been looking for a job for so long that I really don't care what I get. I'd probably like that Ohio Edison job more anyway. I'd get to be outside and by myself a lot. Sounds like fun.
10/16 12:05PM
I figured I'd write a bit more since I'm behind schedule. I found out that I had a late payment due on my school loan, I'm about to overdraft from a bank account that's across the country and I have no access to, and I've been looking for a job for months but haven't found a single thing. Yet, I'm going to be able to sleep just fine because I have Amy and God. Within an hour of finding everything out, I got that loan payment pushed back an entire year, figured out a solution to the bank problem, and turned in a resume to a temp agency. With God, life will always be good.
10/18 4:42AM
Writing 11 pages is harder than I thought it would be, but I don't want to fill space with nonsense. Today is my and Amy's anniversary, and this is kind of a gift to her. I have no job so I can't afford flowers or anything so it's going to have to be creative stuff. I have on other thing that I'm going to give her but it might take a few days (or about 10 minutes) to finish. I'll have to really try hard on that too since it's not really something I'm all that good at.
Anyway, we went to the 7 Floors of Hell tonight. It was the first real haunted house I'd ever been to and it was, to be honest, pretty epic. nothing really too scary but there were a few startling moments. Only thing is it got a little repetitive but it was still a lot of fun.
Just got a little distracted with the other thing I wanted to do for Amy. I hope she likes it. I wish I was better at that stuff.
It's bed time once I finish putting this up on LJ. The other six pages will be up by the end of the month, along with part two of Broken Elevator II: The Way A Toy Feels.