Feb 07, 2005 22:50
When did life become so routine for me? I moved out of my mom's house, and I was on my own. Everything was going to be great. Out of there, I can *officially* do whatever I wanted, even though I could do that at my mom's house. But now, I'm too tired, and too broke to do anything I want. Now, I have a wedding to plan, parents who want me to pop out some kids, bills, house payments, car payments, groceries...I'm not sure when it all happened. And don't get me wrong, I love Craig, and I'm happy, it just all happened SO fast. I have no idea what the hell I've been doing since graduation. Just yesterday I was in high school, dealing with bullshit, but nothing life altering, it was fun. I guess my head is just spinning because I've got a little over 3 months till the wedding. I'm excited, but afraid of failure. It'll be okay. I just need to get my mind together.