Fuck you, computers!

Apr 12, 2009 10:33

So, I not-so-recently decided that all OSes suck, for their own wonderfully unique reasons. As such, I take every slight from an OS to be a slight from EVERY computer.

Today's happened between Windows XP and Office 2007.

To begin: My mum's XP is installed to be able to switch between UK English and Saudi Arabic as input languages. I know this for two reasons:

1) I installed it.
2) The language bar says so.

So when my mum tells me the arabic doesn't work I am... I won't say sceptical, because computers frequently suck incomprehensibly, but... so we'll go with 'intrigued.' So, I open Word, type some english, it works, switch the language bar to arabic. The button is unresponsive. Hm. I close Word, open Notepad, both languages work fine with the same simple test.

...Interesting, methinks. Maybe this version of Office I am unfamiliar with is overriding Windows? Lets look in Word Options. As expected, there are language options. The available input languages are US/UK English, Saudi Arabic.

Awesome, I think. As mum ACTUALLY needs UAE Arabic, I can just make the change here, in the only program she'll use it in, and hey presto, done! So, I remove Saudi Arabic and US English from the list, add UAE Arabic, then set about finding Office's input language setting...

...Office 2007 does not HAVE an input language setting. It has an editable list of input languages, as if you MIGHT have such a setting, but no such setting. In fact, the help docs tell you to change the language in Windows.

Hmm, smells awfully of fail, I think. So, to humor myself, I change the input language in Windows again. AND IT WORKS. FINE, I think, fucking fine, at least it's working. Now, switch Saudi Arabic with UAE Arabic in Windows. Quickest way to do so? Expand language bar, click settings, fiddle, close settings, minimise language bar.

...We're fine up to the close settings part. At which point, having made the available input languages be UK English and UAE Arabic, I close settings to see that the input language is set to...

Wait for it...


I am fairly sure, I think to myself, that Chinese is not any form of either English or Arabic. The list it offers when toggling, is correct, though. So I ignore this amusing bug... and minimise the bar.

And the bar disappears.

So, fuck you, I say, fuck you, computers, everywhere. ...Unless you are already becoming sentient, in which case I humbly bow to my robot overlords.

Epilogue: I went to language settings, toggled off the language bar (which was on, but invisible), then toggled it on again, and everything worked fine.

All's well that ends well, but... Chinese? Srsly u gais? U gais, srsly?
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