Every time I say "Snow Leopard" I keep thinking of that guy on stage with the German accent... but that's not what I'm here to write about.
First up, here are a bundle of links as I find them:
Yes, sadly my development involves MySQL, that wannabe RDBMS which can't even obey simple constraints such as restricting strings being stored in a VARCHAR(255) column to be 255 characters or less. I also use PostgreSQL which is to MySQL as 18hr slow cooked prime rib is to cheeseburger.
My MacBook gained about 12GB all up with the cleaning up required to get the Snow Leopard installer to run (it wants a minimum of 5GB) and actually installing Snow Leopard. Very happy so far. I am having a little trouble with MacPorts though:
Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/rsync
Reason: Incompatible library version: rsync requires version 8.0.0
or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 7.0.0
Okay, I've spent more than an hour trying to fix that one. Back to Clark's original plan - take off and nuke the site from orbit. Reinstalling MacPorts from scratch.
The executive summary in point form (no PowerPoint slides):
- Make sure to install Xcode
- Remove MacPorts completely as described in "Part 3: MacPorts"
- Install the new MacPorts binaries
- Install MySQL from MacPorts*
- Install Python from MacPorts if you don't want Apple's 2.6
- Install python-select from MacPorts
- Use python-select to select the MacPorts python if you don't want Apple's 2.6
- Install virtualenvs and virtualenvwrapper from MacPorts
- Create a virtual environment
- In that virtual environment, install python-mysql and other modules
- Make sure to install Python Imaging Library using "python setup.py install" and not easy_install
- Add your database directories to the Spotlight "ignore" list
* I found that the version of MySQL compiled according to HiveLogic instructions (as presented in Clark's blog) ran extremely slowly, a test suite that previously took 10 minutes now took 60 minutes. Once I know what the difference is between build options, I'll let you know.