Jun 15, 2005 23:59
To someone I will never forget....
In an instant you were there and in another you were gone
Every moment…priceless
Every second…. never long enough
And in the end all we had was our good bye
After 8 days all that was left was one last hug
Nothing could ever be as unfair as a last good bye
When so much needed to be said
Only two words could really come to mind
Good Bye
And in that second we parted ways
In that second our collision in time ended
And we returned home full of memories
But missing each other
In 8 days we grew so close only to grow apart
We found a common bond
Only to realize one huge difference
Our homes are two different places
But not a tear was shed, not a cry muttered
Because so much was done in so little time
The friendship built could never be destroyed
No matter the distance
We will always be together
Sharing our memories and creating new ones