Aug 25, 2005 22:07
Well haven't updated in a while, so here I am.
School is ok, not too much work. CROSS COUNTRY start next week, wooo,
sandy course at Canutillo. What else, what else?! OH OH OH, mine pop
pop's (Dad) birthday is tomorrow. Woo! I'm going to help him make
dinner and we are all going to sit around and remember all the horrible
mistakes I have made, then I will be so tired I will fall asleep on the
toilet....pooping. Mmmm other than that, just the usual stress of life,
school, future, a girl, what not. Not really the girl part though....if
you know what I mean, wink wink, hint hint, nudge
nudge....anyway....yea good times I must say. Oh how I long for it to
be Friday, Nhi ended....sadly. Well thats about it, but let me try to
write something else.
Looking up over the horizon, at what life once, and now isn't
I am filled with so many feeling and emotions I cannot describe
Feelings of fear for tomorrow, and anticipation for the next day
Anger at what hasn't happen between the Old Man and Myself
Talks and Conversations missed from yesterday, but with so few time left
How will I ever recover the time lost bewteen us?
On the other hand, there is the future about to start soon
Where will i call home next I wonder, looking at all the options laid out in front of me?
Who will be waiting upon my return if anyone at all?
What about all my gifts, will I carry them on with me or leave them behind?
Will she and I last, or part in the middle of the night in the distant future?
So many questions and fears will remain unanswered for a long time
What will become of my brothers when I leave? Will the follow or stay?
I only wish that I could spend each day, like my last?
That I not take a single second of this for granted
But will it last when I leave, or diminish in a sudden gust?
Unflinching I continure walking forth, ignoring all that has happened
All the events that might or might not unfold mean nothing now
I am in control of what is to come and I will remain that way
I only hope that I am not to lose all that I have loved in this world
Dreams only bring me comfort for tomorrow
And in a world where I cannot say what will happen next
Dreams are what give me hope in the coming days