(no subject)

Dec 13, 2008 20:48

Bet my day's been worse than yours. /bitterness

Onward. Because I'm actually not as upset as the above would imply.

I've had to drop a lot of RPs lately...polychromatic, ms-elegante and discedo all got the ax. ~_~ The two that probably hurt the most were Goten at the Disco and Daxter at the failboat, but honestly with how friendly those two are it would be better than sitting on them, which is what would've happened.

Thinking about making an Infinite Undiscovery dressing room, but like...what, five people would join? Me, Akai, Solaris, probably Kris, maybe that other girl I dunno that's into IU with Sol and Akai. Truthfully I just wanna bounce my Sig off of Sol's and see how Ed reacts to two of them being around (my money is either on his head exploding and a rainbow of joyous sparkles arching out from the stump of his neck or a hard-on that will never go away no matter how much he faps).

...either way, looks like I'll be devoting all my attention to Guy and Cloud at luceti now, plus trying to keep the place interesting. Oh yeah: 4TH WALL EVENT AT luceti FRIDAY THE 19TH-SATURDAY THE 20TH. Come one, come all, or whatever they say. It's gonna be FUN. ♥

Applying for a full-time job and also classes for January...guh, gonna be so busy. Oh well, at least it's a distraction. The jobless freeloading was fun for a while, but the hat has gotten old and now I'm restless and poor. That and I need a 360 for Fable 2 and IU and a slew of other games I must have to live a complete and fulfilling life.

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