Jan 29, 2008 14:40
mu first week in toronto has been and gone.
and it was damn AWESOME.
lessee.....where did i leave you all....oh.
Caitlin and I decided to build a snowman. being australian and all, first time in snow etc....it's whatcha do! surprisingly, snowman construction is not disimilar to sandman construction - you pile on the snow, laminate it with ice, and build up the layers until you have what appears to be a 5 and a half foot phallus proudly erect in your back yard. we gave him a tophat and button eyes, a parsnip nose and a scarf - and Cait hugged him. The force of her love snapped him clean in two, and he was no more.
i did manage to get photos before his untimely demise, though.
We sorted out my phone at long last, and so now i can contact folks. unfortunately, contactable folks are all busy until tomorrow. so we shall see.
today Cait and me wandered down to High Park to, in theory, chase squirrels. but by the time we arrived, dusk had settled in with a smug vengeance and as the snows melted away, the fog dropped down to cling to the treetops. it was so thick we could barely see, with the black spidery trees and the dull orange lights of the town......it was like taking a stroll through silent hill. we skedaddled asap, but not before taking some reference photos for Stephen. Honestly, it was great horror-story material.
tomorrow i'm wandering into town again. this time hopefully to meet up with folks.
take care, all,
love pixie