Sep 15, 2009 09:00
Arrived in Auckland airport at 6.30 am today, after no sleep thanks to tiny bastard child behind me kicking my chair and whining every time i tried to put the headrest back. I was flanked by children on three sides, who considered flying to be terribly exciting and declared so noisily. Already my organs are objecting to Foreign Tea.
My hopes of free wi-fi and comfy couches were crushed in Auckland - the former is non-existant, the latter constantly occupied. I shall probably go to sleep shortly, maybe read a bit. Bringing a sleeping-bag as in-flight baggage was the best idea i ever had. Instant naptime, anywhere, and i don't care how much it makes me look like a hobo, If i try REALLY hard, I may be able to sleep through the entire journey - either that, or watch enough gimcrack disney to convince myself that i'm dreaming.
Lots of love,