Time now is 12.35am, little Ryan is fast asleep in the living room ( cos he hates the aircon *sighs*). Currently waiting for him to wake up for his 2 hourly feed. Yes its true what they say about mothers not getting enough sleep once your baby is born, i can confirm it 100%.
By the time i finish feeding, burping and rocking him to sleep, a good 30 to 45 minutes would have passed and before you can 'rest' your feet up, its time for the next feed and the cycle starts all over again.
Anyway back to the topic of his birth story, i'll try to do a simple description using timeline ( cos i am that lazy, heehee)
My EDD was estimated to be on 5th August 2012, but after a few visit to my gynae, she mentioned that my baby seems to be putting on quite a bit of weight and by the time he is 40 weeks, he might be too big for natural delivery. So not wanting to have a cesarean, we or rather i decided to induce the baby instead at 38 weeks 3 days.
25 July 2012
9am: Checked into gynae's clinic to insert prostaglandin and went for my one and only meal till i gave birth the next day.
My big pregnant tummy
12pm: return to clinic and check for dilation. Was about 2cm dilated and proceed to check into TMC and wait for an available delivery suite. Apparently 25th July is a very good day for giving birth cos we had to line up ( with about 5 other mummies) and wait for an available suite. My gynae managed to 'cut' the queue for me due to baby's slowed heartbeat during contractions as monitored in her clinic.
1pm: Broke waterbag and Took a pessary to clear my bowels and was hooked up to an IV drip for further induction.
2pm: Contractions started to come in strong. The pain was unbearable and requested for epidural. Best decision ever! Administration of epidural was not painful at all, he made me breathe in laughing gas while he administered the epidural into my spine. Couldn't feel a thing.
Lower body started to turn numb and managed to sleep till about 8+ pm.
9pm: Gynae came back to TMC To check on me. Told us that most prob baby will come out the next morning. Sian half, i was hungry and tired. Couldn't wait to get Ryan out asap.
26th July 2012
3am: Didn't sleep much since 9pm, chatting to hubby n watching old reruns of Ch 8 serial. I think the epidural was wearing off cos i started to feel abit of contractions. Was right as the nurses told me the dosage is running low so they have to administer another round of epidural for me. This time she will turn the dosage down so that i can feel the contractions n push.
4am: Contractions coming in fast and furious, about every 2-3 minutes apart. Feels like a super bad period cramp + urge to pass motion. By this time i was already about 9 cm dilated and the nurse kept asking me to push. That was sooo tiring and painful. Felt very frustrated n kept cussing in my mind thinking how come this is taking so long. Kept waiting for my gynae to arrive cos once she is here, it meant that baby can be pushed out anytime.
5+am: Dr Khi finally appeared! Yay, she got into position and asked me to push hard with every wave of contraction. By the 6 push, i was so tired so she suggested using vacuum instead. I agreed and the first try failed as the vacuum detached from baby's head and poor Dr Khi has blood splattered on her body. Finally the 2nd try we succeeded in pushing him out. The feeling of Ryan being pushed out from me was a feeling of relief, like finally! It did not register in my mind that i have finally given birth to my own flesh n blood till the nurses placed Ryan onto my body. The warm and heavy baby on my tummy made me realised i've finally became a mom. Haha..
Fresh from the oven.
First family picture.
Hello there.
My gynae bluffed me loh, said he would be a heavy and big baby but he only weigh 3kg when we expected 3.5kg. Could have waited a week more and he would be an August baby. Heh..
I don't think i wanna go through another pregnancy seeing how tiring it was but who knows in future what will happen. Meanwhile i am just contented seeing this little smiley face every time he has been fed for now.
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