Coming back to LJ by Meme

Apr 19, 2010 11:27

It's been ages since I posted so I figured I'd have a stab at coming back to LJ. Will do a review of the last 6+ months at some point for people but for the time being I have a meme for the PC gamers out there.

I'm pretty hardcore about games and like to see them through. They have to be either really bad/annoying for me not to finish them. There is also the case of games that are huge and if you leave them for even a second then you'll never come back to them. Then of course there are games that you download or borrow and you just don't go for.
List 5 games that you have never finished as well as a moderately lengthed rant about why you didn't finish it. I'll put up mine after a couple of people have commented.

**Adding Mine**
Eat Lead - It's meant to be ironic and funny. It is. It's based on 3rd person Gears of War cover and shooting and stuff. Gears of War has pretty tight gameplay even if it isn't all people's taste. Eat Lead's game play is not. I haven't finished the game to date because there is some retarded boss and I keep getting killed by cheap deaths (auto kill spike that hits you if you stop moving for 6 seconds and will randomly kill you if you run the wrong direction) on normal difficulty.

Morrowind - I really liked this game. Played it huge amounts especially around my finals in college. I polished off one of the expansions. Became the head of 3 or 4 guilds. I never did the religious end game or setting up a house with one of the "great houses". That said, I was still able to ignore almost all mobs in the standard game because I was so hard. I had more money than I could count. While walking through one area I ran across a random mob that annoyed be, killed him and realised that he was one of the end of game bosses. It's a good game but I got too tough for it and couldn't bring myself to actually finish it off. I hear they fixed this issue in Oblivion because the world levelled with you and in Fallout 3 because the content and world were pretty well matched but it doesn't save Morrowind.

Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay Remastered - Buggy, so very buggy. That combined with the terrible dialogue and the fact that the protagonist is an evil douche who goes around bullying people that are willing to help him anyway. Every so often I go back to the game and get killed by buggy AI and target detection.

Pokemon Ruby - I had a team. I thought they were pretty cool. It turned out that I had some how engineered a team that were cripplingly weak against one type. I could have grinded up some pokemon I didn't like to complete the game...but feck it.

Tomb Raider (several of them) - I played through at least 2 of the classic tomb raider games. Both ended the same way; unsolvable bollocks puzzles and/or no clear waypoint on where to go next. I reckon that this is one part game design fault and one part textures that were not clear enough for you to see where to go. I spent an age in that game stuck on a train because I didn't realise that one of the flat walls I was looking at was supposed to be a wall with a ladder on it.


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