Jan 16, 2010 21:38
So Chinese will easily be the hardest class that I take abroad. Already it's kicking my butt. It doesn't make it better that most of the Chinese students are in the midst of finals, and with 12 classes apiece, that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Consequently, it's been hard to get in touch with my tutor.This afternoon I am planning on spending a lot of time with my tutor. Tomorrow I have to prepare a 5 minute speech on why I think the divorce rate is increasing in China, prepare for my quiz on Tuesday, and write my 300 word composition. Man,and I thought I was pretty good with languages.
I guess it is my fault. I have been slacking off a little bit. Last night I took a long break, but it was well worth it! Me and a bunch of people (including two Jesuits! :) went to Hou Hai and went to Hutong pizza, probably the best pizza I've had in Beijing so far. It was the closest I've found to real Italian pizza, and it better be since my Italian Jesuit friend, Luca, highly recommended it. I shared my giant Ham pizza with my Portuguese Jesuit friend Francisco. This pizza was probably about a foot and a half long and a half a foot wide. Delicious. Afterward we headed over to a swanky live jazz club. It was really chill to see these Chinese men playing very Western sounding cool jazz. I felt like I was transported back to the 1920s sitting in a speakeasy. After lounging there for a few hours, we decided that we had enough classiness and thus we headed over to McDonalds to ease our hunger, although the pizza was really filling. It was a good end to the night sitting in Micky D's at 1 am watching a bunch of university students cramming for finals/taking a quick shut eye.
Although I had a nice weekend, unfortunately I have to work all day. Also, every Friday we have an additional class on Yunnan. Because of this change of schedule, I am very sad to announce that I will not be able to go to Harbin. I am really disappointed, but with my really hard Chinese class and this additional Yunnan education thing, I don't have time to go. I guess one day I will make my way over there. In the meantime I may go to Hong Kong or Shanghai one weekend after we go to Yunnan.
Until then, back to studying!
hou hai,