(no subject)

Oct 17, 2009 22:00


On Friday it was strangely the first snowfall. I rushed outta my house and started running to the bus stop, then abruptly stopped. It was really cold. I looked around me. It was snowing. It's October. Everything seemed to change, it felt like winter all of a sudden. The pretty snow dropping from the sky and swirled a bit when the wind blew. I looked up and watched the snow fall. I snapped outta my daydream, then ran to the bus stop just in time for the bus to come.
I was both happy and upset that it started snowing so early. It was too cold now, and I was still enjoying the beautiful Fall weather. But by lunch, I looked out of the window and saw all the snow was gone, which made a little sad.

Friday night I went to the movies with Kaitlyn, Cece (AKA Celia, Cecenator, Cecetron, Secelia without the "se"), Ashley, and Doug <3 Doug's our favorite gay guy friend of course. (And only, but we love him to death.) We went to see Where The Wild Things Are, which turned out to be a very cute movie!! c: I loved it. At the end of the movie, there was silence in the theater, except next to me. Doug was crying and clapping really fast like the cute little gay guy he is. x] Then the rest of the room started clapping. Haha it was great.

There was a part in the movie when Max says to the monster, "You know what always makes me feel better?" And all you heard was Kaitlyn 2 seats next to me, "JACKING OFF?!" There was little kids behind us, but we got a hoot outta that. Me and Cece wanted to sneak into Paranormal Activity, but we were gonna get caught, so we couldn't. So Ashley's dad picked us up, and Doug got a ride home from his mom I think. When we dropped Cece off, I go "OH OH!! See ya later, CECENATOR!!" Hahahahha it was epic.

I thought it was weird that also on Friday, Logan commented on my facebook status. I was like "Oh, Logan commented. typetypetypetypetype. WAIT. WHAT?" This is the first time he said something to me in like a month or so. And today he IMed me and told me that Paranormal Activity was shit, and ranted to me about how he thought it was boring and not scary at all. And then he told me how he wanted to see Zombieland and Jennifer's Body. I go, "oh. I was supposed to watch Zombieland with Laura this weekend. And Jennifer's Body wit Kaitlyn." and he goes "what are you gonna watch with me?" I was confused so I said, "lol what do you mean?" and he goes "lol what do you mean? I mean a movie, y you trying to change the subject? anyways i gtg work TTYL" and leaves.
I was a little confused. But anyways.

Duwey showed me a cute video with an adorable chubby little asian boy DEVOURING a pan turtle. :3 It was soo cute, he was a little beast eating that pan turtle. xD

Later I took a nap. And laid in bed for another few hours until 9. And of course, because he just /had/ to talk to me, so I had a dream about him. It was just like when I slept over his house and he put in a movie and I leaned on him, a blanket over us, cuddling while we watched it. When I woke up, I got tired of thinking about it. I NEVER seem to get him out of my head. I just laid in bed and cuddled with myself for another few hours while I thought more and just rested.

OH! I forgot to tell you's about it.
On Friday when I came home, there was a shiny black '97 volvo in my driveway next to my mom's car. I was like "hm. wonder who's here." I came up and asked my mom who's here. She's like "huh?" with an excited face. Dan comes out and was like "oh it's a friend! she's in the basement." and I was like o.O wtf who is it lol And then my mom told me, "it's a community car, for you and Dan." And i was like "SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY." And she said that Dan can use it now and even drive me places when I need it, and that once I learn to drive I can use it too. HOSHIET. She told me how our family friend Bac Giao [he worked in car dealerships and repair shops for a looong time] was working with her in getting us a car. He found the car and fixed it up real good for us, and my mom got it only for $1000. I WAS LIKE OMFG.  That is the BOMB. Haha shweet.

John came over on Wednesday. We hung out in my room and played cards. He taught me poker cuz I forgot how to play. Then I owned him in 13, I beat him 4/5 games. xD Then he did something which really pissed me off. I mean John is my good friend and all, but sometimes he does things he just assumes he's allowed to do, and doesn't consider other's feelings, like my own. After I got pissed and pushed him away, he apologized for like 5 minutes and goes, "Sorry, I shoulda known.. You made it kinda obvious too. I didn't realize you still felt that way after 2 months. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you still love him." And I go, "YEAH." But I chilled out for a bit and we made it clear that friends is all we'll ever be, so he should know that.

Oh and btw, last weekend I went to Canada. Just sayin :3 -more random off-topic subjects-

 I am SO much more intimidating than that lion. ROAR. Ima beast c:

So yuuuup. What else? x_x Idk, I wrote a lot I guess. Haha. I've eaten ramen for 4 days straight. Just sayin'. xD
Have a nice day.

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