Someone wrote me fic, you guys!

Sep 24, 2011 16:27

Fic exchanges are awesome. I wish I had time to do them more often! Because how cool is it to give someone something they want and might squee over, plus get something to squee over yourself?

This (currently anonymous) author took a short prompt, some rambling from me, and a requirement that a fic be "500 or more words" and turned out this great mystery/horror/humor/romance piece that's over 10k words. I love it.

The Labyrinth Fic Exchange - Fic #12: The Sarah Williams Files: The Case of the Oddity in the Attic, Chapter One

Speaking of gifting fic, does anyone have any thoughts on auction fic? As in, how long is polite to wait before poking the person from whom you won the bid and asking how things are going? I won and paid for some fics as far back as the Queensland Flood Auction without receiving anything.
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