Feb 11, 2007 23:14
Magnetic Fields on the living room speakers. Leftover ice cream and the last two beers. Feet resting on the ottoman, sans slippers. Slippers on the floor, wishing for feet to fill them.
Spent the weekend in various states of motion, and then today in various states of rest. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and mine came in the form of three hours sipping coffee with the New Yorker, then an hour long nap on my couch after dinner, tuning in and out of the new Clap Your Hands…, the most magnificent album to be brushed aside by critics in years. Countless more hours in my living room chair, nodding off into the night. Bonnie Prince Billy, the Silver Jews, and now sixty nine love songs to pass the time while I write. Filling pages with words not assigned as homework. Making progress in futile directions, taking roads that lead straight into water. Enjoying the swim.
White t-shirt, wrinkled. Hair going every direction but the right ones. Still sans slippers though my feet are cold.