Phew. I made it through the weekend. There were times when I seriously wondered if I would make it, times when I almost gave up. Instead I pushed through and made it out on the other side. I am so glad I did. I feel stronger. It was a truly amazing experience working with a group of very powerful, loving and supportive people.
Came home and grounded my energies here. Took a nap, spent time with a friend I missed, and had some quiet time in the evening to eat yummy Chinese food and do more magical work. After the long weekend of constant work, it seemed only right to do more once here. Found myself cleaning altars, adding to them, spending time with all the elements, honoring and thanking them for their inspiration this weekend.
This morning I woke up and began my day a bit confused. Communications went a little wonky this morning, and I found myself feeling a bit on edge. Luckily, I had read my horoscope prior to it all, and it advised me to just breathe through it all. So, I did. Worked out well. My cards are being extra pushy with me in the last day or so. I have gotten the 8 of Cups two days in a row. Keeps reminding me to take this time to myself now to renew, heal the places where I am drained energetically and emotionally. I am trying to do that, take the time out to give back to myself. Wasn't quite sure how to keep myself going today, I kept feeling drowsy.
Finally, I decided to move my sleeping cat, and sat at my desk. The paint saved me again. it has been a productive afternoon. I have managed to experiment a little with one painting project, and to begin completing the bowls I formed from clay last week. It has been a lot fun this afternoon, and between all the art, and the cup of yummy tea from my "Creepy Bunny Mug" as it has been called, I am feeling much much better.