Dear mimi-na, I appreciate your art, just wish you weren't such a
dick about it.
You would think that at twenty years old or whatever the hell she is, she'd grow some maturity.
I was sorely mistaken.
Why don't they just make an anti-Rose comm and start 'baaaw'ing already? Does she really think that because I'm D/R I'm any less broken up about Donna than anyone else? I'm just really pissed at what RTD did to Rose too.
And yeah, 'better writer'. That's why Steven Moffat made such a shite episode like Silence in the Library and creates a lot of his own Sues to fall desperately in love with the Doctor in ten minutes. Yeah.
You can tell me they're lovely characters and I'll believe you, you just can't tell me that they aren't Sues as much as Rose is.
I know I'm acting like a colossal brat, but you know, I'm fine if people don't like characters, they just don't have to call me 'Rosefen' for liking D/R and thinking I'm ignorant of anything else.
By all means, go fuck yourself.