Good Morning Class, Today's Aneurysm is...

Aug 13, 2008 07:31


"I know the 10th Doctor is the best, but what about the other incarnations, I wanted the incarnations Chibi because thats I imagine it to look like, 10th is the most handsome, youngest looking, scruff, but the rest have some."????


"The rest have some"?

See, this is why I really don't like people who always go on about David Tennant and the Tenth Doctor (not you Nelly, at least you do it intelligently) and then shove all the other Doctors to the side. "They're not as good as him but they have something" kind of drivel that seems to be clutched onto this supercilious and ill-functioning head of theirs makes me want to shove my face into a moving truck. WHAT? WHAT IS THIS BULLCRAP? They're not as good as him? WHEN WAS THIS. The kind of narrow-minded bullcrap this person is spewing from their interminably small brain is making my insides shudder.

I LIKE David Tennant, I LIKE the Tenth Doctor. I like him as much as I like any of the other Doctors, which is a lot. And I mean that. I don't think he's any better, or any worse than any of the other Doctors. I really, just don't have a preference. If I just saw that Doctor, I'll be going "SQUEE! THAT DOCTOR" a lot for a while. Like yesterday and today, I've been "SQUEE! EIGHT" cause I watched the DW movie again. And "SQUEE! SEVEN", cause like.. for all he was in that movie, Seven is still lovely. And William Hartnell was damn handsome, all right? One was fricking awesome.

I don't mind if you prefer the Tenth Doctor, I mean, fine, okay, whatever, don't give a frick. But DON'T say it's because 'he's the most handsome' (What happened to liking characters because of the character development?), and DON'T say that 'he's the best of all the Doctors'. That is a PREFERENCE, not a FACT, so don't bloody SAY it as a FACT like THIS person is or I will personally, go to your house, dress up as Six to make you go blind, and SET YOUR HOUSE ON FIRE.

Also, I think this person might have ASSBURGERS.

I wasn't going to, but does anyone think I should deviantartsnark this?

The fact that they posted this onto my "Wives and Goatees" gives me the impression that they think that they're terribly clever and deserve my never-ending praise for their infinite wit.

rant, frustration, doctor who

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