Don't Blink

Jul 21, 2008 22:18

So I wrote this into my deviantArt journal and then realised "oh yeah, WHAT THE HELL IS MY LIVEJOURNAL FOR, EH!?"

I finally watched it! Blink! I know, I know, I took so long, you all hate me.

And you're going to hate me more after my next sentence.

It wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

I'm not saying it was bad, it was really, very very well written. Possibly the best time travelling Doctor Who plot I've seen and that includes a lot of the old!Who stuff as well, although... maybe not the dramas, because the dramas do really good stuff when it comes to things like this.

It's just... two years of listening to people rave on and on about this episode and I expected to be terrified, hiding under my covers, with the lights on, staring at statues for the rest of the night.

I'm not! I watched this entire thing in my chair, in front of my computer with the lights off, I emphasise, since everyone seemed to be insistent on making it frightening as possible, and I didn't find it scary at all. When the lights in the basement started flickering, I did start a little, but really, that was about it. I'm more scared of the mosquito that just bit me twice now. Want me to count the mosquito bites I got last night/today?

Six. That's what I'm more frightened about. Got absolutely no sleep last night, kept waking up 'cause of the damn mosquitoes. There were about six of them in my room.

*sigh* I'm not calling this a bad episode, I'm just kind of disappointed after all this hype and everyone screaming "OMFG, WATCH BLINK, IT'S SO SCARY, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP."

Yeah. Do you want to know something? Ring 2? Crap movie. Horrible writing, stupid effects, a convoluted plot of WTFery. And I couldn't sleep for two weeks after I saw it. I stay away from horror movies because I'm so very easily frightened by them. That's probably really why I took so long to watch Blink, because everyone was telling me it was just terrifying. You could say that this is because this is Doctor Who, children watch it, but you know what? That's not really an excuse. Like I said, I'm easily frightened.

And I'm confused by the end. So... the angels are looking at each other. Weeeeeeell, then what happened to the FLICKERING LIGHT THAT WAS GOING OFF AND ON AND LETTING THEM MOVE. The TARDIS just sort of FIX that, did it? And if it was the angels that were doing that, why didn't they just break the damn thing.

I'm not going to go as far as to say that I don't like this episode. But with the feeling of disappointment I'm experiencing right now, it's completely effecting what I feel about what's the best episode of S3. Blink was very well written, Moffat's best. You know. Out of five, four of which are two parters, so it's more like three. I think Ut/SoD was better. And FoB/HN better than everything in that series period.

As for S4... You know, I love RTD, I really do, but I really fear for his inability to write series finales. I mean, did he like.. lose that ability when we left Doomsday? Did we leave behind more than Rose on that beach? I don't like JE. I thought it was just... jam-packed, action filled rubbish. I would rather have gone and watched people driving around in cars that burst on fire and then crashing into each other and lakes. It would have pretty much been the same thing. I'm also not a fan of LotTL, as people might know here. I don't mind or care that you like it, every time I try and think of a good thing about that episode, it only involves John Simm. And no writing.

And that's really the problem. I think RTD's such a wonderful writer, my favourite episode for S4 was one of the ones that was written by RTD, which is surprising, since my favourite episodes usually tend to be the ones written by neither the Moffat nor RTD. (Father's Day for S1, Impossible Planet/Satan's Pit for S2) But in S4, his writing for Midnight blew me away, and then next week, Turn Left actually nearly made me cry. Stolen Earth was all right, but it was really Turn Left that made me remember that this was the reason I love RTD so very much.

Then JE happened.

I'm very glad if everyone else liked it, but I just felt like we were too busy jamming everyone else in that we lost hold of the plot. I would have preferred it if Rose hadn't come back for this. I mean, Turn Left was all well and good, but really, that was the only episode with Rose in it this Series that I liked. He could have done it for another Series, with a less crowded finale and I would have been much happier. I think they could have tied up this Donna thing in a much happier way, have Martha save the world, have Sarah Jane and Luke, and do another Series, and in that one, bring Rose and co. back, also with Jack, because there wasn't enough Rose/Jack interaction in this episode, with Torchwood, and less of a bewildering ending with some weird dialogue, OOCness and less "I'm a bastard, so I'm leaving you behind in a parallel universe again, bye." They could have at least kept the coral scene in.

When I watch the final three episodes of S4, I feel like Turn Left doesn't really count as part of the three part arc that was the finale. Nothing fits! Apparently the dimensional cannon shoots from the sky and materialises the traveller to their destination, which did not happen in Turn Left. It also doesn't explain why Rose faded, it doesn't even go in conjunction with the few times she did appear by blue light, when she ran out of an alleyway wondering how that happened. Nor does it explain why Rose kept showing up on screens. How does that work, eh? Dimensional cannon does that, does it? Explain THAT without Bad fucking Wolf, RTD.

And that whole thing about the darkness is coming? I was really hoping that it was something that was even bigger than Davros, more large and evil and dangerous. And all it was were the stars going out? That doesn't even make any sense. That's not 'darkness is coming', that's 'the stars are disappearing.'

And Donna, my god. All this series, she was special because she was human, because she was ordinary, she didn't need Time Lord powers, her name was Donna Noble and she was just as important as any paper thin Time Lord with a hair erection and a colour scheme that can only be described as brown, brown and more brown and spends a lot of his time under the console probably whimpering about how everyone leaves him. Then he just RUINS IT. I have TOTALLY NO IDEA what to feel about RTD right now, I think he's a good writer, then he gives me CRAP like JE.

Ugh, sorry, I told myself no more rants about episodes in this journal, cause it does annoy people, I'm guessing. It's just... UGH, I am so... disappointed by DW nowadays.

Midnight was mcuh more terrifying than Blink in my opinion. THAT episode left me trembling in my seat in exhilaration and terror. It was a culmination of amazing writing, action and ideas. With small budget. Obviously a small budget, cause they clearly wasted a lot of this series' budget on making JE better, so those were good quids wasted, huh.

I hope their Moon crashed into Mars. Suppose we're going to get a ridiculous retcon about that too. I bet some human touches it and it'll grow into a New Earth.


Avatar finale rocked socks, though. (Can't tell me Zutara isn't real. What.) BUT... ZUKO'S MOM?! WHAT!?!?! WE'LL NEVER KNOW. I FEEL BETRAYED.

Also!? Turning to Gallifrey audios, I LOVE Coordinator Narvin. Maaaan, that guy. Possibly was the best Time Lord on what used to be Gallifrey.

rant, avatar, frustration, episode reaction, doctor who

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