An Art Post with a side of odd dreams.... of Rassilon.

Feb 29, 2008 02:40

A few random graphics here that I did for dwchallenges which is a random community for ... yes, you guessed it people, Doctor Who Challenges. Apparently every week we put up a challenge for people to do. If they'd like.

I think.

I'm not sure, really. Ro just walked on AIM one day and said "hey wanna be a mod?"

It's all a bit of a blur from there. But apparently I'm a mod. I have to think up ideas, which is, in itself, incredibly frightening.

Anyway, have at:

It was random fun. I took a stock photo of the TARDIS, used lasso tool to make the base layer blue and then added colours and stuff over it.

The scarf I did myself, using a stock photo of the Fourth Doctor, though only for the colours which I needed. On the Fourth Doctor, I was reading some Fourth Doctor quotes today and it made me want to go back and watch some Fourth Doctor stuff again. Maybe I will. :) I still haven't seen any with Romana I.

...City of Death still rocks, though. And the first episode Romana II was in. Where she wore an identical outfit to the Doctor's except pink and with a white scarf? *laughs* I hate pink, but really liked that outfit. I was disappointed she didn't keep it.

I also made the Mod Post icons. I'm going to abuse this one for the moment because I get to show people that I make the MOD POSTS OF FREAKING RASSILON.

Blech. Sore throat today. I think it was after trying to sing "Take On Me". I can't believe guys can hit a note that high. Or maybe I just have a low voice.

Or just a generally bad one.

On a final and completely random note, I had an odd dream about bungie jumping last night. A girl from my elementary school came up behind me and pushed me out as I was going all "HOLY FREAKING HELL, I CAN'T DO THIS." Unfortunately, the cord was too long and I smashed face first into the pavement. Why the hell would there be a bungie jumping place right near a road? Don't ask me. My dreams make about as much sense King George the III on heroin.

Note to self though: If ever planning to bungie jump in the future, always make sure the bungie cord is shorter than the distance to the ground.

real life, fanart

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