Just groove it

Jun 30, 2008 16:05

First week of holidays strolled by sprinkled with some great times, random drinking, guitar hero's, lots of poker and some days of sadness and slight emptiness.

Last sunday I won poker again and the next night was Jai's birthday poker. Awesom random photo's found HERE... I didn't drink much but had a good time all the same. It strolled on to Thursday and Mum and Dad had our family dog Sandy, 18 years old, put down to sleep restfully. :( I spent the next few days feeling slightly empty. Then lars had his birthday on the saturday just gone... more poker but at the casino. It was the first time I'd played with more money at stake than $5... instead it was a $50 buy in but still with luck on my side I doubled up and came out with $114. I can see how dangerously addictive it would be and so we're only going there for special occasions like birthdays or end of exams. Finished off Lars b'day night watching Borat. Opening my eyes to the fac that the evangelical fanatics of America and Muslim fanatics are just two sides of the same coin. Obviously, but scary the kind of power these people hold.

Sunday was one of the best days. I volunteered for Youth Beat again with Kate, who is a close friend of mine and moving to queensland with her partner in a week.  Youth Beat, part of Mission Australia, gives support to youth in the more 'troubled' parts of Hobart. Which basically means we go around giving out lollipops, condoms and advice if they ask for it and can refer kids on to more help if needed. The programs been running for a year and is finally getting to that exciting point where we can start really getting into it all now that we're known in the community and the kids are feeling more comfortable with us.

With Kate leaving there's been an opening, since I've volunteered a few times and put in my expression of interest (and with kate heavily talking me up) the position looks to be mine. AHHHHHHHHHHH! But I can't get too excited because it's not official yet. I have another volunteer shift on sunday. It'd be my perfect job though. It's an open door right into the community sector, where I'd like to be once I get my masters. After things with Hayden didn't work out I just want to be able to really get stuck into something new. Something I know that is still helping people. I can't fix society but I can at least pretend to try too...


Depression is at epidemic proportions with doctors misdiagnosing, handingout pills like they're candy and what are we doing with them? There's no quick fix. Maybe we need to look beyond ourselves. Pills work but it's proven they do best when used in combination with therapy. *shrug* I dunno what I'm talking about. Maybe a part of it is a societal problem as a whole? We're so individualistic that we forget our neighbor across the road who has just had twins and with post-natal depression can't handle them, neglecting them till they eventually starve to death... yeah this happened.

*off tangent*

I came home Saturday arvo and Gretel had cleaned our WHOLE room (it was disgusting from exam times)... could I love this girl any more? It was the best surprise. She's off teaching piano at an infants school and I think I want a beer. I was going to go to the gym but it's all windy and cold and I don't want to walk in the rainy cold... I is teh boredededed.
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