rain keeps falling on my head

Jun 26, 2008 16:31

So today sandy, our family dog, was put peacefully to sleep. It's really pretty sad and I'm trying not to think about it because I grew up with her. We got her when I was 11 and she's been a wonderful friend and had a wonderful life and that's the best that you can ask for I guess. We use to live next to the beach and we'd take her for long walks up the beach. She'd run off ahead of us and we'd start walking backwards so that we were still facing her and she wouldn't realise that we were waling away from her. She'd get half way up the beach and have to come racing back down to us. haha lots of fun! She was a good friend, I will miss her.

In other news, it's been one beer after another on holidays. I'm volunteering on saturday with kate which will hopefully make me one step closer to having the job youth working. Meanwhile gretel has picked up several hours work a week teaching music; piano, violin and guitar. I'm very proud of her but can't help but worry that when uni kicks in it might be too much for her, but she's a big girl and I'm sure she can handle it, it'll just mean less 'us' time for awile. I'm so poor at the moment though. I'm not working at all which is a bit of a strain on us but hopefully that will change soon.

I wonder what makes us fall for that one person. I still see a glow around gretel and get that bubbly feeing of amazement that I'm so lucky she's with me. I just want to drink in her smell, her touch, her glow and never let it go. It's the height of contment, happiness and love.

On another note, we're watching Dexter at the moment. It's an awesome box set dvd series about a psychopath/serial killer who works for the police but only kills the bad guys. There's an intricate back story and another serial killer who is messing with his head/life but who he respects at the same time. It's pretty good if you're looking for a new series to get your teeth stuck into.
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