• app

Nov 22, 2008 01:10

Character name: Sister Monica Argento
Series: Trinity Blood
Age: ~27
Job: Safety Instructor ♥
Canon: The Trinity Blood manga is an adaptation of the "political thriller" Trinity Blood novels. While keeping with the same general concepts (vampires, political unrest, lost heirs to kingdoms!) the manga gives the story a bit of a shoujo bent to it. The story traces the plucky Sister Esther Blanchett's trials and tribulations as she encounters friends, foes, ditzy priests and sadistic anarchists. And, like most all-loving determined big eyed heroines, Esther seems to amass a regular cast of antagonists who want to try and kill her.

You might be asking yourself, but who would want to kill such a plucky lass? If you answered 'That Super Ninja Secret Organization that Fights Evil and is Also Run by the Vatican' you would be right! If you answered 'everyone else' you might also be right, but this app isn't about everyone else. That Organization, also called AX, is kind of like the Special Ops freakshow of the Vatican. They beat up vampires and take their lunch money, basically.

But Sister Monica Argento doesn't just beat up vampires, she has a range of talents! One of which is ignoring your personal bubble and comfort zone. Another is pulling your organs out of your body. A third and relatively important talent is an easygoing attitude that encourages banter at gunpoint and inquiring if dead or alive realllly means 'dead or dead' is acceptable. One might even say that Monica takes enjoyment out of a dead or dead order. She specializes in manhunts and inspires a unique form of dread that can only be achieved by a swagger and breasts large enough to drown a small pope in.

Sample Entry:

Why hello there, boys and girls, things and thingettes~.

As an expert in safe behaviour, I've been requested to explain the virtues of keeping your hands to yourself. First of all being that nobody enjoys having no hands. I'm sure there's no need to elaborate on point one, except to say that sometimes when someone like me holds a knife and you have hands. . . well, accidents happen. The second is that molestation is hardly safe behaviour for anyone involved.

It seems to me you've all been indulging in a liberal definition of hello. One that includes some invasion of personal bubbles. I'm a conservative woman of the Church -- aah~, don't give me such a look. It's no good to doubt me, you know. As your instructor, I hope that I have some of your trust. If not then this relationship just isn't going work out. It would be a real shame if we couldn't get along, you know~? And remember the first point I made, nobody enjoys having no hands.

Let's see, let's see. . . maybe to properly demonstrate I'll need a volunteer. There are just so many to choose from. . . but I choose you ♥ Ara ara, you're already doing it wrong. Stand up straight, and if you're going to lean, put your hands elsewhere, Meat-chan. You don't mind if I call you that, right? This is a good time to point out another safe behaviour, the buddy system! It's ingenious really, because you can keep people you know from doing stupid things. We're all buddies here, right? Remember, friends don't let friends say hello unsafely.

Now, Meat-chan is going to demonstrate the wrong way to say hell-- you're jumping the gun a bit, dear. And because I'm a friend I'm going to let Meat-chan know what he did wrong. The right way to shake hands is like this -- see, just extend your hand, grab the other person's. . . oh dear, my hand slipped. Silly me, holding a knife and everything.

Don't be so stupid, Meat-chan, this is one of those life lessons. People who practice unsafe behaviour end up suffering from unsafe consequences. Luckily for everyone else, if they ever encounter an unsafe situation, I volunteer to be their adult and help them out ♥

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