Sep 19, 2008 22:53
My family is a mess in general, but if you sit us down around a table and have us talk about gets even worse.
Mom is a Republican, through-and-through. Money is the force behind everything she does, and unless it has to do with guns (she's afraid of them), she believes everything that comes out of John McCain's mouth. And she thinks Sarah Palin is "just so cute".
The rest of us? We range from bleeding heart liberals (Jevon) to Green Party supporters (Bea) to just short of Republican (Liz). As far as I go? I suppose you could say I'm a Democrat.
My biggest thing, and the one Liz and I disagree on the most, is Women's Reproductive Rights. As a doctor, I feel as if the Republican party is trying to take away my right as a doctor to support women who feel the need to have an abortion, and my right as a woman to have an abortion. I mean, I know that's what they're trying to do. And I don't like it. I'm not about to let a gun-weilding 72-year-old man who would hate my brother because he's gay tell me whether or not I can support my patient. I have every right to offer someone services for an abortion. (We don't perform them at Oceanside, but we will direct you somewhere that does.) Liz just can't understand why I would want to help women kill their babies. I've tried to tell her before, and I'll say it here again, until a certain point, it's just a mass of cells. I'm a scientist, I don't look at things the same way that she does, and unless someone is trying to abort a child in their third trimester, I'm not going to stop them.
Maybe it's because I've done it. Maybe it's because I was able to have an abortion without anyone stopping me that I feel this way. Maybe if I'd walked into that clinic through a protest, or grown up in my mother's time I would understand, but as of right now? No one can tell me what to do with my body, and no one can tell my patients, either.