Its 2018

Jul 15, 2018 08:55

And I'm 29 Years old.

I stumbled on this livejournal that I had abandoned since 2018. (twitter truly did take over everything) I'm blown away by how eye those postings were. How much I've forgotten.

I appreciate how much detail I also put into those moments. It all came back to me... *Celine Dion plays* So much of me has changed but so much of me is also the same.

Moved to Australia, back to Florida, got married, up to Ohio, now in England.

I have met so many new friends between then and now.

I have lost touch with plenty as well, and thats okay. So much of my time is spent keeping up with these wonderful souls across the world I've shared moments with and have so many more to create.

(oh yeah Celine Dion is literally playing right now so I could type up the rest of this reflecting moment to be so much more of a dramatic and emotional experience)


I've really just become proud of myself. And I realized that real-ized is the North American standard for that word due to this British computer software trying to correct it to realise. GO AWAY RED LINES, REALIZE THAT REALISE IS GRAMMAR FLUID.

And I still get off track, after all these years. I'm going to pick this back up. I suck at taking selfies during parties and get-togethers so this is how I'll remember my life.

Its a gorgeous morning with a sun shining over this humble haunted town. (I stand by Gravesend being a ghost well and we had some slight paranormal activity last night) Better get proper clothes on and walk into town to get French Toast ingredients.

reflection, life, time leap

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