Spree link:
http://community.livejournal.com/_spreee/2765068.html Updates:
30 Jan - Spree closed. Orders and payment made.
1 Feb - Zipia consolidating orders.
4 Feb - Items shipped.
6 Feb - Items arrived.
7 Feb - Mass email sent.
Mailing/ Collection Status:
8 Feb - jasminesmt/ Jasmine, Starjiu, Shenn, Reiyu-verse/Verse, tinklelove/weini (RR623239698SG),
shufen (RR623239699SG), Olivia (RR623239697SG)
9 Feb - Charlotte / spud8d. Self-collection: Starllet, jinyilow
10 Feb - sheueyng / Sheue Yng (RR623239713SG), enchanted_tale/ Joanne (RR623239711SG), xmameha/maggie (RR623239712SG)
Refund Status (Reference no.):
jasminemt - 2714138059
xmameha - 2714143136
spud8d - 2714146582
jinyilow - 2714149672
starllet - 2714153134
verse - 2714157070
shufen - 2714163127
tinklelove - 2714170111
Appreciate all lovely babes and dudes to leave me a feedback at the following page. Thank you very much! ^_^
_spreee FB Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/spreefeedback/133271.html Format
Name of Spree: Zipia Spree #26
http://community.livejournal.com/_spreee/2765068.html Comments:
Please leave a comment on this page in the following format:
Nick/ Name:
Mailing address:
(All comments are screened)
>>>> Please email me at
mangothepudding@gmail.com if you have any questions.