Today's Happenings

Jul 05, 2008 19:38

Slept in a little. My body starts to hurt too much if I sleep too long and then it takes longer to get "unstiff". (I keep telling my mom that with her RA, she needs to not be in bed so much. She'd feel better if she got up and moving sooner)

Hung out with Gia for a bit. Let her read stories to me in her room.

Got dressed and went to the gym. It was busy, but I made myself do weights (lower body).

Came home, got ready and then went to my friend Lisa's house.

Jason, Gia, Lisa, Craig and I played Rock Band for a few hours. I was the singer. Got a few 100%'s. Rock on!

Ate yummy food and drank beer. Not good for my diet, but fun. We did the same yesterday. Tomorrow it's back to business. I will eat smart for the entire week.

Tomorrow we go bowling for a birthday party for twins. I must go buy presents now. I'll be at Target.
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