A business observation and a technical rant

Dec 11, 2014 13:37

In business and in life, it's useful to have a meta process going in your head about the level of the conversation. Are you discussing things at the same layer of abstraction as everyone around you, and if you're not, is there a reason?

This is how you get the geek vox clamantis complex: "This won't work. The salesperson is deceiving you. 'Strategic advantages' won't matter if it takes up too much RAM. The latency will be ridiculous! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?!"

Which, more often than not, tends to be a case of a conversation being held at a different level.

Which, to be fair, can sometimes result in "IT being told to implement something impossible because it was sold to the C-suite without further input."

Which, in turn, results from IT relegating itself to an "implementation engineer" role and not making the effort to make the partnerships with the higher levels of the organization.
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