From Twitter 07-04-2010

Jul 05, 2010 04:04

  • 07:34:29: Massu wants to be Taiso no Oniisan?? #masuperman
  • 07:35:23: ペス? #masuperman
  • 07:35:54: パンダ!#masuperman
  • 07:36:32: OMG! OMG! OMG! XDD RT @news_je: RT @ joiijoee loves #masuperman 's body on different angles :D
  • 07:36:48: Nino called Massu: Giri-Massu (in Pacific con) #masuperman
  • 07:36:58: Massu’s drawings are cute <3 #masuperman
  • 07:37:10: Massu likes gyoza very much. #masuperman
  • 07:37:54: Massu as Akai Santa <3 #masuperman
  • 07:38:07: Massu as Inoue Kota <3 #masuperman
  • 07:38:15: RT @mori_agete: There's just no reason to hate #masuperman
  • 07:38:21: RT @massu_ko: I love his awkwardness, randomness, fashion sense!!! All his imperfections make him perfect in my eyes~ #masuperman !:D
  • 07:38:32: Massu as Carlos Saburota <3 #masuperman
  • 07:38:43: Massu’s mushroom hair in Sotsu Uta! XD #masuperman
  • 07:39:08: Massu is afraid of height (me too XDD) #masuperman
  • 07:39:19: Massu is afraid of dogs? #masuperman
  • 07:39:51: Massu thinks elephants are cute XD #masuperman
  • 07:40:02: Massu likes to smile ^^ #masuperman
  • 07:40:11: Massu is a good swimmer. #masuperman
  • 07:40:20: Massu is clean freak. #masuperman
  • 07:40:28: Massu loves shopping. #masuperman
  • 07:40:36: Massu loves gyoza. #masuperman
  • 07:40:46: Massu loves fashion. #masuperman
  • 07:40:54: Massu loves Tegoshi? XD #masuperman
  • 07:41:04: NEWS’ new TV show, please! #masuperman
  • 07:41:14: Massu’s special skill is Human Vacuum! XD #masuperman
  • 07:41:23: Massu likes girl with beautiful smile who love gyoza… #masuperman
  • 07:41:39: Massu likes girl with beautiful smile who love gyoza… (isn’t it Fukada Kyoko? XD) #masuperman
  • 07:47:59: RT @massu_ko: #masuperman 's gentle voice makes me melt~
  • 07:48:53: RT @xuerri: Massu is afraid of bugs~ #masuperman
  • 07:49:15: RT @pumpkinmassu: You are so random !! #masuperman ♥
  • 07:52:39: RT @snyyong: Our Ai no Hero, #masuperman! XD
  • 07:52:57: RT @pumpkinmassu: You have a cute face but you have muscular body #masuperman
  • 07:55:32: ALL!! XDD RT @pumpkinmassu: Tegomasu? Koyamassu? Shigemassu? Massupi? Ryomassu? Which one do you like? #masuperman
  • 07:56:27: Massu dancing Superman is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ #masuperman
  • 07:56:48: RT @joiijoee: who misses Honey saying " Okaeri Darlin' " ??? *raises hand* #masuperman
  • 07:57:19: @ joiijoee Your #masuperman picspam is cool!!! <33
  • 07:58:02: LOL RT @aizawa_chan: OMG!! it's 4th of July??? happy birthday my ex.. LOL XD
  • 07:58:25: @ aizawa_chan Ah, your ex is #masuperman? XDD
  • 07:58:39: RT @xuerri: he can be so hot yet so cute at the same time #masuperman ♥
  • 07:59:05: AGREE!!! RT @xuerri: he can be so hot yet so cute at the same time #masuperman ♥
  • 08:00:52: RT @domYTx3: #masuperman is already 24! He doesn't look 24! :D
  • 08:02:59: RT @tasyamada: #masuperman #bakanishi happy birthday ^^
  • 08:03:32: RT @joiijoee: loves #masuperman 's body on different angles :D
  • 08:04:23: RT @ivywinata: I ♥ #masuperman for being soo nice to tegoshi during his earlier days at NEWS
  • 08:04:34: RT @pumpkinmassu: I laughed so hard when #masuperman slipped on tegomasu no ai con . Was it hurt ? XD
  • 08:05:48: RT @aida_pi: that's sooo him!! without a doubt! xDD RT @ tomoko_ai chibi #masuperman
  • 08:06:05: RT @stay_gold0106: ずっとずっと そばにいて 君がいる それだけで 優しくなれるから #masuperman
  • 08:07:48: RT @nuerulez: massu kawaii!! #masuperman
  • 08:08:15: RT @pumpkinmassu: Massu has the greatest smile ever #masuperman
  • 08:11:09: RT @tegodzilla: Tegomass <3 #masuperman
  • 08:11:33: RT @joiijoee: have you seen a human vacuum ever..?? it's time to see one #masuperman
  • 08:13:02: RT @newskattuneito: #masuperman kawaii~ his smile make me melt kyaaa~
  • 08:13:11: RT @NinoPort: #masuperman RT if you love masuda takahisa
  • 08:13:35: RT @pumpkinmassu: Massu's hair is so cool in tanabata matsuri #masuperman
  • 08:14:02: RT @joiijoee: this is why i love massu more and more and more and more #masuperman dimples kawaii =]
  • 08:15:45: RT @tegodzilla: I love NEWS <3 #masuperman
  • 08:15:52: RT @tegodzilla: Tegonyan ha-to ga doki doki (because of #masuperman? XDD)
  • 08:16:07: RT @tegodzilla: Rabu-rabu naraba #masuperman Masuda <3
  • 08:21:23: RT @yoshidabulan: #masuperman #bakanishi otanjoobi omedetto~ ♥
  • 08:23:02: RT @tegoliamasu: does tegoshi give #masuperman a chuu for his b-day?
  • 08:24:38: RT @tasyamada: awwww he is so cute he is so cute cute cute cute cute cute cute.....*cant stop* #masuperman
  • 08:26:46: It's raining here. #masuperman
  • 08:27:12: RT @yoshidabulan: Hope #masuperman and #bakanishi become TT! This day was their birthday. Make them happy, guys !! XD
  • 08:30:10: I want Tegomass no ai con DVD! ^^ #masuperman
  • 08:34:20: RT @shigelovessho: YES YES YES!! RT @miirachaan: hmm. i'd like to see him dance to KoyaShige's chirarizumu. xDD #masuperman
  • 08:36:10: RT @stay_gold0106: *dies* @ joiijoee last one :D how cute is this???????? #masuperman WEEEE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASUDA TAKAHISA! http://twitpi ...
  • 08:36:50: RT @stay_gold0106: I wonder how many gyoza Massu-mama made for #masuperman tonight xD
  • 08:47:42: Massu in RESCUE <3 #masuperman
  • 08:49:54: RT @akanishimassu: #masuperman
  • 08:51:06: RT @pumpkinmassu: Massu is the yellow ranger ♥ #masuperman
  • 08:51:26: RT @riverlystar: ROFL. looks like Massu-fail during TegoMasu no Uta con is a big favourite! XDD #masuperman
  • 08:52:58: RT @news_je: [REPORT] Tegomass no Ai 2010.06.03 #masuperman
  • 08:53:52: RT @tegodzilla: #masuperman RT @snyyong: RT @babyshazam: - Kawaii!!!
  • 08:54:25: @ matsudessy hashtag buat Massu: #masuperman ^^
  • 08:55:25: RT @miirachaan: I DO.! xD RT @ shigelovessho so... massu as doremon. who wannnnts? #masuperman
  • 08:58:06: RT @news_je: HAPPY BIRTHDAY #masuperman!
  • 09:00:42: @ news_je Gachibaka, Waraeru Koi wa Shitakunai, RESCUE, etc etc ^^ #masuperman
  • 09:01:58: RT @tegodzilla: Karei Naru Spy (ep 4). lol XD RT @news_je: how about your favorite #masuperman dorama?
  • 09:03:38: RT @news_je: #masuperman needs a new drama!!!
  • 09:09:16: Sankyu! XD RT @koisuruerena: LOL #masuperman's facts by @ massuperman !!! <333
  • 09:13:24: RT @miirachaan: was eating honey during the Never Ending Wonderful Story concert. #masuperman
  • 09:15:16: RT @shigelovessho: #masuperman should have a food blog. Oh wait. He'll probably like everything he eats xD
  • 09:18:32: RT @pumpkinmassu: We NEED another news con T.T #masuperman
  • 09:19:27: RT @miirachaan: ok, i want a NEW NewS album.!! #masuperman
  • 09:24:57: RT @TegoMisa: Does #masuperman change when he fall in love? His Answer is --> "I wonder. . . But, if you don’t change that’s weird ri ...
  • 09:27:58: @ TegoMisa LOL #masuperman's answers are very real, like in SDK.
  • 09:28:05: RT @oni2one: I just read about the phonecall between #masuperman and koyama. LOL...
  • 09:31:27: RT @pumpkinmassu: I want NEWS to have a regular tv show just like vs arashi ♥ #masuperman
  • 09:33:10: So sweet!! XD RT @oni2one: I just read about the phonecall between #masuperman and koyama. LOL...
  • 09:36:19: RT @oni2one: #masuperman will surely love it. I wish News will get another TV show. I miss Soukon.
  • 09:48:55: RT @tegoliamasu: #masuperman ........needs more love from tego
  • 09:49:04: RT @oni2one: RT @pumpkinmassu: @ miirachaan I'm looking forward massu's fails and member ai moments xD #masuperman
  • 09:49:21: RT @TegoMisa: Girl’s tears and smile, which one are you weak against? --> #masuperman's answer: "Smile!!"
  • 09:49:30: RT @oni2one: #masuperman is my superhero.
  • 09:52:33: RT @stay_gold0106: so cute! @ oni2one #masuperman should save #troubleman
  • 09:52:39: RT @pumpkinmassu: Massu is the prince and yuya is the princess. What a sweet couple #masuperman
  • 09:55:13: RT @pumpkinmassu: Oh yea the next upcoming TT project is #troubleman ! #masuperman
  • 09:56:31: RT @yennstar7: massu is mecha mecha kawaiiiiiiiii #masuperman
  • 10:04:43: RT @shigelovessho: It's like, Trend or not, i'm having so much fun chatting with everyone on #masuperman
  • 10:04:56: RT @trendje: Let Trend #2Bfree for Arashi's New single "To Be Free" to be released on July 7th 2010 ♥ starts 1AM - 11.59PM ...

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