From Twitter 06-22-2010

Jun 23, 2010 04:05

  • 04:21:57: @ saku_rach See u ^^ #puripuripretty
  • 04:23:52: RT @snyyong: お誕生日おめでとう Hey! Say! JUMPの伊野尾慧! #puripuripretty
  • 04:24:09: RT @snyyong: #puripuripretty sounds like magic words ^^
  • 04:24:14: RT @snyyong: I want NEWS!! #puripuripretty
  • 04:24:18: RT @snyyong: I want to meet Arashi!! xD #puripuripretty
  • 04:25:44: RT @nagooh: #TwitterArt #WORLDCUP #jpn


  • 04:28:49: I miss Ya-ya-yah show... #puripuripretty
  • 04:29:09: I miss Arashi no Shukudai-kun... #puripuripretty
  • 04:29:56: Tegomass in SDK saikou!!! XDD #puripuripretty
  • 04:30:16: Massu kakkoii!!! #puripuripretty
  • 04:31:31: Massu and Inoo-chan acted as brother in Gachibaka <3 #puripuripretty
  • 04:32:09: Chibi Inoo-chan kawaii!!! <3 #puripuripretty
  • 04:33:03: Chibi Inoo-chan doing #puripuripretty was cho kawaii!! XD
  • 04:33:24: Happy 20th birthday Inoo-chan! #puripuripretty
  • 04:33:44: You're an adult now! ^^ #puripuripretty
  • 04:34:26: Inoo, ask your sempai (Yamapi) to take you drink! lol XD #puripuripretty
  • 04:35:04: I wonder, what birthday present koyamama gave you... #puripuripretty
  • 04:35:53: Inoo-chan is afraid of height just like Massu and Sho-chan! XD #puripuripretty
  • 04:37:14: Inoo-chan, I'll give you a present. A roller coaster ticket. Dou? XDD #puripuripretty
  • 04:38:22: #puripuripretty reminds me of Ya-ya-yah...
  • 04:39:03: I feel like I want to watch old Ya-ya-yah episodes... #puripuripretty
  • 04:40:38: RT @JNewSFans: RT PLEASE believe in NEWS as a GROUP!
    And believe in YAMAPI as their LEADER!
  • 04:41:17: RT @matsudessy: RT @Qisthinee: RT @saikounolady: RETWEET IF YOU THINK NINO IS THE CUTEST BOY EVEN HE ALREADY 27TH NOW #nintendomiya
  • 04:42:28: RT @TegoMisa: Early Summer 2010's styles of NEWS x Russ-K. Yummy! =D #wewillwait4NEWS
  • 04:42:33: RT @TegoMisa: from Russ-K's site for High Summer 2010.. I love the way they look! XD #wewillwait4NEWS
  • 04:46:59: This is random but, Inoo-chan share same birthday with my friend... #puripuripretty
  • 04:47:49: Inoo joined Johnny's because he thought he could eat delicious food - SDK #puripuripretty
  • 04:48:23: I'm reading Inoo profile now, lol #puripuripretty
  • 04:50:56: "Inoo has a younger sister, Aki Inoo, who he said has a bad attitude and mouth." #puripuripretty
  • 04:52:04: "Inoo can play the piano" --> Maji de? Shiranakatta! Sugoi!! :D #puripuripretty
  • 04:53:09: So, Inoo can play piano just like Massu and Sho-chan (again)! XD #puripuripretty
  • 04:53:56: "Inoo got into the Department of Architecture, School of Science and Technology at Meiji University." #puripuripretty
  • 04:55:21: Inoo is Yamapi and Koyama's kouhai (in Meiji University). #puripuripretty
  • 04:56:15: "He is said to always telling random lie by Yuya Takaki." #puripuripretty
  • 04:56:58: "His closest friends are Kota Yabu, Hikaru Yaotome and Daiki Arioka." #puripuripretty
  • 04:58:04: RT @hikarinoniji: I wonder why people I don't know follow me. My tweets are weird.
  • 05:00:58: Inoo's height is 173 cm --> Wow, he's taller than Massu!! #puripuripretty
  • 05:04:34: RT @deer_belle: 20th Happy Birthday ★ お誕生日 ★ Inoo Kei ★ Heysayjump #puripuripretty
  • 05:06:27: @ nanatorigawa For me, Inoo is like Tegoshi and Ueda because they're pretty like girls <3 #puripuripretty
  • 05:07:11: Pretty boy is not bad!!! #puripuripretty
  • 05:08:22: @ koisuruerena Yes, Massu's height is 'only' 171 cm ^^ #puripuripretty
  • 05:09:36: Inoo and Massu has same Star sign! *very random lol* #puripuripretty
  • 05:18:33: @ koisuruerena omg, I google and find that Yuto is 178 cm and Tegoshi is 170 cm!! #puripuripretty
  • 05:20:34: What?? Yuto is taller than all NEWS member!!! Cool~ #puripuripretty
  • 05:22:54: @ koisuruerena Daijoubu, He's handsome! So, it's okay I think! XD #puripuripretty
  • 05:26:05: @ nanatorigawa haha... that is a special information about height lol XDD #puripuripretty
  • 05:28:30: @ koisuruerena Yama-chan still can become taller ^^
  • 05:29:08: @ matsudessy Iya, tinggi banget ya and kurus banget!!
  • 05:31:39: @ fadedflavour Calm down, friend! :) What happened?
  • 05:34:57: I need to go... Bye2 :D #puripuripretty

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