
May 28, 2004 17:42

Spirit Week is over! Now we have a THREE day weekend! We also got our yearbooks..they're pretty cool. Coolbeans...(haha I stole that from Mailizle)! Yup ...I think Vanessa is spending the night Sunday...and my family is having a "Labor Day Barbecue". Our family friends are coming over I believe. They have a son my age who I have known all my life. So that should be pretty cool. Maybe Ness could finally meet him. Haha...ahh..that reminds me. I have SO much hw this weekend. We just got a 250 pt language arts project! Holy smokes! hah...so old school. Yup..I wanted to see a movie with someone tonight..but everyone is starting on their homework. Haha..exctiting. Not me...I'm just on AIM talking to David H. and being lazy. Lol!!...Well..I guess I'll go! Ttyl kiddies..haha jk

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