
Nov 03, 2009 21:26

The beginning to writing in my lj...weird.

I started NaNoMangO and realized that drawing a manga requires a lot more thought and work than I thought. I'm thinking about just taking down the Less than Epic Doujinshi and try to work on something for myself so at least I'm not going to insult EK.

I also want to try exercising more, maybe 4 to 5 times a week and actually sticking to a food diary. I can't carry this 20 lbs any longer, and I think a lifestyle change is in order.

Gotta run to the groccery store now and pick up laundry money and get started on that. Hopefully I'll have time to draw another page of my doujin since I'm already behind a day.
I'll try to thumbnail the rest from now on so I don't get raped when I'm acctually drawing it.

weight loss, nanomango, rl

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