Jan 06, 2006 01:28
I absolutely dread school!!.. I go back on the 9th..but I am in dire need to escape it..at least on the accounting part ..lets just say my fate depends on my accounting class.. who by the way.. my professor will be the *Medusa* of all evil-accountingness.....arrggghhhh the time I can live on Earth rest in her " claws""...:::shivers::... plus I also have 3 other classes... others I am ok with.. but Im also a bit scared with my Calculus class..as well ::cringes::... but but the looming destruction would have to be accounting..::hyperventilates:: its really sucky being a college student now... suxors ^Infinity!!
::scratches door desperately and mouths:: " Help ME!!...."
( ps.. maybe I should play hooky for my accoutning classes...::gasp:: i can't do tht I need to get into business college..anyone have any advice what so ever..so I have a chance to survive this killer accounting class..did I mention that every person and the of the students who took her class that I have talked to says she''s super strict and is a monster..!!??<<)
-mangoo XP