Blog Envy

Jul 23, 2011 12:29

Confession: I am completely jealous of pretty much every blog on my reading list. The writers always seem to have something meaningful to say, or at least something not completely asinine.

Even the sporadic posters seem to have it more together than I do. My knitting blog was more trafficked than this one, and I only really posted there when something neat happened, like I started or finished a project, or found some wonderful yarn.

Maybe I need to get more specific, just narrow my scope some. Most of the blogs I follow are "domestic arts" -type, or just ridiculous shots of life. Penelope Loves Lists (which is now on hiatus while she has her baby) and Hyperbole and a Half are two of my favorites.

I feel like I do have a unique experience to share- hell, look at me. I'm 21 and in college, studying physics and horticulture, working in the campus demonstration gardens, entered an interfaith marriage halfway through school, and have an interesting or just plain odd array of hobbies and interests. But despite my best efforts (well, let's be honest- some of my best efforts, some of my half-assed efforts), I can't manage any sort of consistency or level of decent posts.

Perhaps I just need a change of scenery. There's like, two people on LiveJournal anymore. And one of them is a Russian government hacker hell bent on crushing the dissenting opinions floating 'round.

Hmm...think I'll start shopping for a new blog site. I like WordPress- been using it for the Spartan Village Community Garden Blog, and it seems pretty cool while being straight-forward. I've also heard good things about tumblr. Hrm. We'll see. Do know I'm not going back to Blogger- that was a pain in the ass.

random bits, quirks, writing

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