Aug 20, 2009 01:14
Here are the rules - You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. -- and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming, as things are not always exactly as they seem.
Now, here's what you're supposed to do. . . Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag as many of your friends as you'd like.
So here's the deal: I posted this by-the-book on Facebook. And I'm bored and some of these really DO need explaining/smartass comments, because they're funny. So you all, lovely readers, get the inside scoop on all this crap.
Yay! Or not.
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Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? Yes
Actually, kissed at least three of them
Been arrested? No
Not yet, anyway.
Kissed someone you didn't like? No
Though I have to admit, upon first impression, I didn't like your mom all that much.
Slept in until Noon? Yes
I never did until college, though- not without going to bed before 9am, anyway.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
Daily naps in my 2nd hour were the norm for much of 11th grade, due to a great deal of personal difficulties keeping me awake much of the night.
Held a snake? Yes
The first was a gardener snake- the latest was a boa named Princess.
Ran a red light? Yes
It was one of those random middle-of-the street lights for pedestrians, and I didn't even see it.
Been suspended from school? Yes
First kindergartener ever suspended from Webberville Elementary. Oh yeah. See "stitches" question below.
Experienced love at first sight? No
Love at first sound, though- one time.
Totaled your car in an accident? No
Unlike some former mustang drivers I know
Been in a vehicle at more than 100 mph? Yes
For some reason I agreed to let Flippy drive my car to Grand Rapids with Gary and I in it to go see Barack Obama.
Driven a vehicle at more than 100 mph? No
I dislike driving at 5, why would faster make me less afraid?
Been fired from a job? No
Because while I might bitch about it, I don't suck at my job. If I'm getting paid to do something, I'm going to do it at least well enough to continue to get paid to do it.
Fired somebody? No
I'd like to- but I don't have that sort of authority.
Sang karaoke? Yes
Senior lock in, sucked real bad at "All I Ask of You" from Phantom with Steve- neither of us could remember who started, Christine or Raoul.
Pointed a gun at someone? No
I know better. If you're pointing a gun at someone you'd better be intending to shoot them, and I since I believe you should only kill to eat or in dire self-defense circumstances, I haven't had reason to shoot anyone. Yet.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Who hasn't- I think the most recent big thing was not leaving Josh. It's not even that I told myself that- I told him, too.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes
Not all the way out, but I felt it in there. Dr. Pepper isn't comfy in the nasal passages. And fast food customers get disgruntled when the staff is all laughing too hard to serve them. My bad.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Delicious- like babies. Every one's unique...
Kissed in the rain? Yes
On a porch, if I recall correctly.
Had a close brush with death (your own)? Yes
My mother has been in several accidents with me in the car, not to mention my time in the womb, severe asthma plus pneumonia, chicken pox in the lungs, etc.
Ever feared for your life? Yes
Though strangely, not at any of the above-listed times. And never so much for my life; more for leaving it in a painful way. I don't fear death- just severe pain preceding it.
Seen someone die? No
I have seen many cats die, however. Quite young- I'm betting it contributed to my fear of cars.
Played spin-the-bottle? No
I don't think anyone even plays that game anymore, lol. We were too busy with 10 Fingers and Truth.
Sang in the shower? Yes
All the freaking time, when I have the house to myself. I don't want to bother anyone, and I use it to test my voice; see what I've lost and what I've gained since my choir days. Not pretty to listen to, lol.
Smoked a cigar? No
Eww. Just eww.
Sat on a rooftop? Yes
It's a great place to write- just ask Elton John.
Though I don't think trailer-tops are quite as effective.
Smuggled something into another country? No
I'm not really sure- are pudding snack cups allowed to be transported from the US to Europe?
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? No
I usually jump in before they can get to me. With or without the clothes.
Broken a bone? No
Not on myself, anyway.
Skipped school? Yes
Skipped a few classes this year- mostly to do homework for other classes. And a lot of school in elementary- none, however, from the first day of 7th grade through the last day of 12th.
Eaten a bug? Yes
Junebugs really should be killed before eating them, and the legs removed- otherwise, they poke at you with the little spiney bits on their legs.
Also, the stuff you read in How to Eat Fried Worms? All true, and all delicious.
Sleepwalked? Yes
Not lately, thankfully- I think my body knows it'd probably die going down the stairs.
But back in the trailer I'd occasionally wake up on the couch after going to sleep in my bed, or vis-versa. Once woke up in the kitchen, sitting on the floor by the sink. Also frequently in Webberville, though there, I navigated the stairs just fine.
Walked a moonlit beach? Yes
Quite recently, avec ma tortue ^_^
Ridden a motorcycle? No
Though one day, Stephan does owe me a ride.
Dumped someone? Yes
Three people- one with no regrets, one with far too much linger, and one I've not yet stopped regretting.
Forgotten your anniversary? No
You can't be as good with dates as I am and go about forgetting such things. Just doesn't happen.
Lied to avoid a ticket? No
I still don't know how I got out of that 55-in-a-35 one. Especially as it was actually 57 and the mean cop in town. Didn't cry, didn't lie, nothing. Laughed, because I'd had my license for four days and the car for two. Still have yet to get a ticket.
Ridden on a helicopter? Yes
I was once airlifted to the hospital at U of M. I don't remember what for; it's a story I've had told to me, as I was very young. Probably asthma-related complications for some shit.
Shaved your head? No
...I think whoever I'd been dating at whatever time would've died if I had. They've all been so fond of my hair.
'Course, if I did, it'd grow back rather quickly and not even matter.
Played a prank on someone? Yes
I'm Irish. It's genetic. We just have to now and then.
Hit a home run? No
Not a fan of baseball. Last time I played softball, I cried so I could stop.
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Again, who hasn't? At least I don't actually plan out how anymore.
Cross-dressed? Yes
Though it's not as funny when a girl does it. Boys' pants still fit better.
Been falling-down drunk? No
Helps to have never been drunk.
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
I can't remember if I've made Chris cry, but I know I've made previous boys cry.
Eaten snake? No
Haven't had the chance. Had monkey, though.
Marched/Protested? Yes
I was in marching band :P And I've done my share of Angry Liberal Hippie protesting.
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
Why the hell would you? It's food- EAT IT!
Puked on amusement ride? No
"This ride takes you upside down SIX times, four. Different. WAYS!"- the Raptor, Cedar Point. Rode it 8 times in a row; get off and run right back up. No pukey pukey, and no puking from Millenium Force, or the Fireball at fairs. Though I DID black out on the MF; rode it a few too many times in a row the year it came out, when I was like 11 and just barely tall enough to get on.
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Yes
I don't buy KFC because of how they treat their chickens.
Been in a band? Yes
Pancake 11, ftw! lol. Also had offers to do vocals for a couple.
Not to mention honors band :P
Knitted? Yes
Since 12. Last night I did some, actually. On a scarf I bought yarn for my senior year of high school.
Been on TV? Yes
Girl Scouts, 4th grade.
Fired a gun? Yes
Hello? Hick Pagan. Yes, I've fired a gun. I've fired several guns.
Skinny-dipped? Yes
Little in life feels as free as being naked in a body of water. Or at least something larger than a bathtub.
Given someone stitches? Yes
The kindergarten teacher I bit to acquire the above suspension (lied to me- had it comin') needed several stitches in her hand.
Eaten a whole habenero pepper (or other hot peppers)? Yes
Actually swallowed a habenero whole for $20. Not worth it.
Ridden a surfboard? No
Though it's on the list, most certainly.
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? Yes
It's not as easy to lose the bottle, or as easy to have one of your drunk-ass friends spill it all over you. Plus, it saves dishes.
Had surgery? No
Not that I know of, anyway. Haven't counted my kidneys recently...
Streaked? No
Which is a little surprising. Well, except for the "naked baby streaking" we all do when small, I'm sure.
Taken by ambulance to hospital? Yes
More times than I can count, though most often it was Dad meeting the ambulance because he was faster than them, lol.
Tripped on mushrooms? Yes
The one that needs the most explaining: I have not tripped on mushrooms as in engaged in recreational shroom trippin', but I have tripped on mushrooms as in "stumbled over fungi in the woods" Seriously. So glad only the deer saw me do it.
Passed out when not drinking? Yes
From the quick shift in heart rate and blood flow when I have my public speaking/ other phobic freakouts; once or twice from lack of oxygen during an asthma attack, and once from heat exhaustion in marching band.
Peed on a bush? Yes
When on long wanders in the woods, one will eventually have to pee.
Donated Blood? No
I would if I could- I don't stay above 110 pounds long enough for them to let me.
Grabbed electric fence? Yes
It wasn't on- I'm not that stupid.
Eaten alligator meat? No
Something I'd like to try, though. I imagine it's tough.
Eaten cheesecake? Yes
Trevor seriously needs to make cheesecake for Wendy's so I can eat some. Fucking delicious.
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? No
No kids= no kids' Halloween candy.
Killed an animal when not hunting? Yes
I've run over several frogs hopping in the road by now. Couple mice, too.
Peed your pants in public? Yes
I was like three and I peed at the beach. Not in the water.
Snuck into a movie without paying? Yes
We paid for one and then just walked casually into another show when that one was finished.
Written graffiti? Yes
On a parking spot, actually. In green sharpie.
Love someone you shouldn't? Yes
Story of my life, right there.
Think about the future? Yes
It's human nature- but now, I know better than to plan too much of it.
Been in handcuffs? Yes
We'll stick with the French Village in class explanation :P
Believe in love? Yes
Love? Love. Above all things, I believe in love. Love is like oxygen- love is a many splendoured thing, love lifts us up where we belong- all you need is love!
[/Moulin Rouge quotes]
I have to- I don't know how I'd live if I couldn't at least believe in it.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes
I like to sleep on the inside if I'm sharing- both to avoid being pushed off accidentally and because I feel less vulnerable that way. On my own, though, I sleep roughly in the middle or curled up in the corner at some funky angle.
Have a tattoo? No
Several in mind, should I decide to get one after my skin stops being so elastic- minimal sagging is preferred.
random bits