Mar 29, 2009 20:27
Bit less productive than hoped for originally, though still smashing, considering the weather.
I closed at work last night, to turn around and open this morning for my desperate GM, who I quite like. This means I went to bed at 1 (fell asleep at 1:30ish) and got up at 5:40. AM, both of those. Turns out she hadn't realized I was closing the night before when she asked me to help. I went home at 10:30, though. Short, but hey, that's $20 I wasn't expecting this weekend. And brownie points with the woman responsible for dishing out the hours and advocating for raises.
When I got home, I spent a couple hours talking to Dad and Nelma...turns out (surprise, surprise) BJ's being a fuckup again. He's tossing the family aside for Chelsea, who is 100% likely to be dumping his ass by next fall, when she runs off to college (or shacks up with some other guy who's willing to pay her rent if she puts out). Pissing off all the wrong people, that boy is. Still doesn't realize how close he came to dying, and insists he's gonna get another mustang. With $0 banked and barely a $50 check every two weeks that he promptly blows on the ho.
Ah well. Increases the likelihood Dad'll just say "screw him" and leave the whole property to me in the will. I'm the only one of the two of us that ever helps him with anything around the house and yard, anyway.
If I can catch him home the next couple weeks, I might be able to talk some sense into him. He does still occasionally listen to me when I tell him stuff. At least he knows when I say stuff, I'm close enough to his age that it's more often than not experience and observation leading to honest advice rather than parental BS.
Did actually work on the garden space, though. Dad said I can have the hill and part of the weeds that separate the two halves of the yard if I want 'em. Pretty much cleared the dead leaves and weeds from the fall off the hill today and discussed weed killer, liming, and rotortilling with Dad. Said he's gonna help out, since he doesn't have anything better to do while he waits for his work to call him back (which should be soon- he's only 9 people away) and I'll only really be able to come out Wednesdays and Sundays, and not even some Wednesdays.
Adrian doesn't seem to be doing too well...I changed his water in his bowl Saturday, along with Elphie's in her tank, and I purified it, balanced the pH, and added the pinch of aquarium salt like I usually do, allowing everything time to settle properly, and then put him back. I'm not sure what's wrong...his water's a good temperature, and he's made a bubble nest, which bettas only do when they're happy enough to mate (if there were a suitable mate available)...but it seems a little cloudy, and he isn't moving around much. Even let me touch him without flipping out...I don't want to change the water again so soon and risk putting him into shock, but that's about the only thing I can think of to do. I don't know- maybe I'll wait another day and if he's not looking better tomorrow I'll change it. poor betta >.<
Elphie needs a new tank. She just looks too big for the one she's got. Poor thing outgrew her hiding cup- she was actually stuck in it when I took her out to clean the tank. Have to start looking around. Should be able to find a little 10 gal for not a whole lot. Erb.