Nov 21, 2004 21:34
Milk and cookies make me happy. But the cookie wont absorb the milk, so dunking is out. Oh well.
Today was marvelous. Rehearsal was fun, cast + D Silver + Charak, both of whom absolutely rock my world. And I saw my love, which was wonderful and overdue.
Lunch was fun, Laura Deutche came and I breathe a little easier. I adore that girl, I hope she finds a school she likes and gets all healthy again.
Walked to 48th, hung out at Amy's Bakery on 8th, ate lots of cake, and generally loidered.
Walked back to PPAS, Marty left which sucked um, a lot.
Bonnie and Tess and Nick Haas and David Rigano and others.
Medea Magic!
TGI Fridays for like 10 mins. Left with Dan, got fabric, caught train, home.
Math hw.
Highlights of the Day:
-Conversations of fabulosity with the hot and sexy Tess Hall
-Nick Haas who I havent seen in ages is amazing
-All those amazing BSL2 boys being totally nuts
-Sharon liked her scarf!
-Frenchwoods people make my life worth something
I am now off to eat the rest of my big cookie and read something (Harry Potter? Am in the mood for easy-read...)