Sep 30, 2007 02:50
so, why is it that at 1:52am i have a fit about my job?!
i wish i knew, but i feel the extreme need to rant about it.
i think i do a lot for the store. i clean, stock, and have great customer service.
i've been with this store for a little over two years, but recently we got a new assitant manager.
she is like your worst nightmare come true. i got along with her alright at first because like i said i do my work, but i slacked off one day, and all of a sudden she became a cold hearted bitch towards me.
on friday i was working with a new girl, jamie, she's an absolute sweetheart, but like i said, she's new. anyway, i was left to take care a new girl, check in groceries, and keep the store stocked on a busy day. the girl thought she could of perhaps made a mistake with money. ( dropping it into a safe. it's a procedure we do to make sure that robberies aren't as bad as they could be. ) well, i was off checking groceries then, and i mean she didn't know for sure if she did it wrong. so, my drawer was over like 800 bucks. and the asst. manager goes off on me and is like if this happens again you both get written up.
i'm like excuse me. what the hell did i do? it's just frustrating to see this lady threaten write-ups like she does. for stupid reasons too. i clean things in the store that she wouldn't dare to even imagine touching yet she also comes up to me, and yells at me for not cleaning the coffee area up to 'her standards'. i'm sorry, it wasn't fucking perfect, but i can't be expected to clean that perfectly every fucking day! i am the only person who does clean it so she should be respecting me for it, and not critiszing me on it.
i am so close to quitting because of this chick, but i need the job because i need the money. i really don't want to have to put up with her shit. even worse now there were three new people hired ( other than the girl i mentioned earlier. ) i am SO worried they are planning on booting me.
now, why would they fire me? because of my mother, and yes, i know that's ridiculous. my mom is my ride until i get my license, and so i can only be scheduled at the times she is availible to haul my ass back and forth. if they have three new people that are able to be there at whatever time the schedule calls for they can boot me off.
if this happened i am pretty much completely screwed. then again i start school soon. which is even more of a reason for them to boot me, but i do know they have other people they want to get rid of first. i just worry is all.
i dunno i've worked there for so long. i know how to do things, and i do them. i'm pretty sure i'm okay. i guess the next few weeks will tell for sure.
but if the asst. manager pulls anymore of this perfectionist shit i might go postal.
stupid people