Apr 09, 2010 14:00
I mean, they looked good before, but now they are really starting to sparkle…
Alex is signing the paperwork for the house today! It is such a relief to know that I'll have a place to live after PCHZ leaves. And with ALEX! She rocks my socks. The house apparently has a large backyard, so we're eventually gonna try to get a dog.
The Rady Children's Hospital has accepted me as a volunteer for the fall! I go to orientation in September. It's a ways away, but I'm still really excited to actually do something valuable with my time.
I finally took my certification test at work, so I'll be getting commission on sales and stuff soon. : ) Yeay for more money.
I was contacted today by an ad agency 15 minutes north of me. They want me to work part-time on a few projects! 4 hours a day in the office. It's exactly what I need right now.
Watch, now I've just jinxed everything…