Apr 28, 2009 22:21
"the derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others or on oneself."
I was allowed to look that up on a school computer because I am, in fact, writing my ethics paper about the morality of the pornography industry. According to Utilitarians, it is totally cool and moral as long as everyone involved is 1) gaining happiness 2) willingly doing it 3) it doesn't hurt anyone [aka sadomasochism is out, and so is kiddie porn and interspecies erotica] and 4) everyone is getting financially compensated [aka another form of happiness]. Kant doesn't think so though, so we're working on convincing him as we speak.
And by "we," I mean "me."
I suck.
Thought I broke my foot, got xrays, did not. All good news, cept for the really painful foot right now I suppose.
Must. Finish. Ethics.
I have too much to do. I have officially screwed myself.