celebrity news

Dec 19, 2007 17:23


WTF She's freaking 16 and living with her boyfriend!

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so i'm back down south and i wish we just spent our holidays in the states coz that would've been sooooo much more fun. but then again it wouldn't be relaxing coz mom & dady would want to drag me to all these places. but yeah i don't wana get sick of the states yet. i have for years to look forward to there.

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christmas sucks this year.

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so today i went to the ever not so fabulous gaisano mall where in i wanted mcdonalds but didn't wana eat there coz of the large numbers of scary g.i.'s :) so i ended up eating in icky mandarin. jut so you have a peak of my social life in davao i spend most of the time driving around the city with my yaya & driver. everyone else is too busy with school and borrring engagements. oh and im kinda sick of my cousins now. not all of them but we spend too much time together. but i love you guys!!

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yesterday. last night.
party @ sara's new house!

we rode at the back of her truck from shopwise to her house and what an experience. so many of my friends are hooking up now with each other and that makes me feel happy about them coz my friends rock my world! but yeah i do get that lonely feeling sometimes. but i'm just waiting for the right person and time. and believe it or not i'm still in a stressing period. with what? i don't know.. stressed with myself??

on to bigger and better things.

since this is on private omg i still wana move to oxford. i miss them so much and it's so much more fun. i hate myself sometimes for not even making an effort to try to bond with my cambridge classmates but i feel as if i don't belong there. i don't belong to a certain clique and i prefer to eat recess alone or have a few friends that socialize with those who pretend to be friends.

so yeah there i miss my friends and i wish i was abroad now!

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happy holidays :)
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