(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 14:26

I just had my first exam of the year in Invertebrates. It went well I think. I have another tomorrow in benthic ecology.

Im heading up to Main next week to Cobcook bay (they have a 30 ft tide!!). The 9 people I go to class with (5 of which i live with), and our professors in a van for 8 hours and sharing a house for 5 days...they mentioned looking at the intertidal for awhile and beer.....it should be an interesting trip. Im the only non-meat eater, and the only non-drinker.....what fun what fun (it will be, i just hate being the "outside" all the time...feels strange and backward)

I thought I was going to die of a heart attack (or some other cardiovascular problem) last night. And not in a funny way, a hahaha my mind is so silly way, it hurt and it sucked. I woke up at 1:30 feeling all sick and stayed up until 5:30 because I was afraid to sleep...and in pain. Its strange how powerful the mind can be especially when it is the middle of the night and you just wake up from a horrible dream about counting snails!!!

Other then not sleeping things are going well. We set up a new experiment yeaterday...it was outside and cold, and even though it was low time there was a lot of water splashing every where and we got nice and wet. I had to collect and weigh more snails.

We had to smash snails to get the shell mass a "destructive digression"...i wasn't a part of the actual smashing, but i did weigh the little guys to be smashed. Thats the thing with science....how do I balance it all...sure they were "just snails"....but we still killed them...i rationalize my actions by saying it is all for good in the end...but...whatever ill think on it try to find a balance

Thats all Im going home....pointless pointless post

I miss having friends....
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