My hair as seaweed

Jun 08, 2004 11:06

I went to Tahoe this weekend for my first open water dives, I am now a certified diver :) Go me! I really want to live in Tahoe, it has to be one of the most gorgeous places I know. The mountains, the clear water, all the trees....*sigh*. anyone up for a camping/hiking trip this weekend? (is basically free!).

I have been eating a lot of Malto-Meal these past few weeks. I hadn't had it since I was about 8 years old, but rediscovers it in the cereal isle of the grocery store. I have been eating it almost twice a day since. Good stuff.

In other news I started a philosophy class last night at Sierra college. I think its going to be a lot of fun. Im taking it with Dre which should be interesting.

The blue hair dye didnt work exactly. I bleached parts of my hair blond, then added the blue.... the blue didnt really show up and looked brown. After one wash the blue looked gray, it got less gray after a few more washes and now looks green/blond and kind of gross. When will I learn that my hair just doesn’t like to be messes with?

Time for an appointment with my dentist, hope those I haven’t spoken to are doing well. Have a wonderful day.
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