Jan 29, 2005 19:23
Well then. My day. I woke up. I went back to sleep. (Read those two sentences three times over and you'll get a pretty good sense of my morning.) I tried to do some homework but got sucked into listening to Avenue Q instead....and singing along. *looks mildly innocent* Then I convinced my mom that, yes, it really IS a good thing for me to go shopping...so I did, with Meara and Sarah. We bought b-day presents, and looked at Valentine's Day cards (ah, Spencers. They're so innapropriate and yet....so....funny. *cackles*) AND I found a Turnabout dress. I just have to drag my mom to the mall and convince her to buy it. Joy.
And now, on a completely unrelated note, the annual singing-to-Margaret shall commence:
*begins singing incredibly out of tune* Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birth-day-to-yoooouuuu! Happy Birthday to you!
*continues singing out of tune, but this time in French* Bon Anniversaire! Bon Anniversaire! Bon Ann-i-ver-saire!!! Bon Anniversaire (Qu'est-ce que je peux dit? Je ne me souviens pas des mots de l'autre chanson plus complique [avec un accent aigu])
*takes a breath, and then recommences singing this time in PORTUGUESE, the awesomest language ever even though SOME PEOPLE think it sounds funny. Boy are they wrong* Parabens a voce, nesta data querida! Muitas felicidades! Muitos anos de vida! Hoje e' dia de festa, cantam as nossas almas! Para a me-ni-na MAAAAARRRRGGAREETTTT uma salva de palmas! *begins applauds maniacally*
Happy Birthday Mar!
Yes, I did just copy that directly from my xanga. What can I say; I'm lazy.