[article] Doumoto Kouichi (Wink Up 1995/10)

Apr 01, 2011 20:43

t/n: It's been a very, very long time since I last translated something for sharing. I'll be working hard at this again from now on. XD I've also decided to stop translating the introductory notes since they're usually redundant, and in this case, Koichi's adorable fail becomes apparent very early in the article. [edit: I honestly have no idea what I was doing when I translated 'Autumn' as 'Summer', so don't panic! I must have been translating in a daze because there is no way I could have NOT noticed. XD]

Autumn MODE [Domoto Koichi]

➜ Autumn Reading

Isn’t there always a book report assignment in the summer holiday assignments? I’m rather bad with that, which is why I’m always turning in the worst kind of book report. First, I’ll churn out three and a half pages of a summary on the writing paper, and then approximately half of the final page is filled in with what sort of appears to be my impressions. This is how I’ve been going through with the assignment each year. When I was being particularly awful, I’d read a simple picture book and write my book report on that. *laugh* Out of all the books I’ve read so far, the one that’s left the biggest impression on me is probably 'Flowers for Algernon'. Though I say that, it’s still just the first time I properly finished a book. *laugh* That was an interesting but rather strange book, so when I was done reading, it made me realize that even stories come in all kinds.

➜ Autumn Sports

For some reason, I'm seen as someone who doesn't seem like he'd be good at sports. Because of that, the TV drama officials are always surprised when they come to see (our) concerts. "That Koichi is dancing really well!" *laugh* Well, see, I sleep in the dressing room all the time, right? When they see that, they seem to be thinking, "that guy must be a slow one". In truth, I really love dancing. I don't particularly have the desire to try when it comes to sports, but if it's dancing, then I've come to want to do it properly. My goal is to have dancing that's like a mix of Nishikori-san's and Higashiyama-san's. [t/n: Both members of Shounentai.] Their dancing (styles) are completely different types, aren't they? I'd like to have (elements of) both. Nishikori-san also does solo performances, and so I've set my sights on that too.

➜ Autumn Appetite

Actually, I quite like cooking. I'm good at cleaning, doing the laundry, and cooking. I'm such a domestic person, am I not? *laugh* But I don't go so far as to go out to get ingredients for my cooking, so if there's nothing in the refrigerator, I don't cook. There isn't any food that I especially love or hate, but fruit is probably what I like the most. If I have fruit, I'm fine even if I don't have anything else to eat. Which reminds me, there was also a period of time in which I was hooked on yakisoba of the cup noodle variety and yakiniku bento. Cup noodle yakisoba is known as 'kayaku', isn't it? [t/n: 'kayaku' being an abbreviation of what roughly translates to 'fried in the cup', though it's probably an inaccurate description of the way it would be prepared!] I did like those tough vegetables they have (in the yakisoba). *laugh* Ahh, I'd stock up on and have it for my meals thrice a day. It was the same with the yakiniku bento. I'd have it for dinner every day. And then one day I suddenly got tired of it, and for a while after that I'd go "ehh...!" whenever I heard 'yakiniku'. *laugh*

➜ Autumn Musings

It's not restricted to autumn; I think about all kinds of things every day. However, the contents of my thoughts are secret. I will leave it to you to imagine what they are. *laugh* Actually, when I'm troubled about something or when there is something that I can't avoid thinking about, I'm the type that will ruminate over it without showing signs of doing that on the surface. It's why the people around me see Domoto Koichi as someone who gives the impression of being my pace and carefree, but in my mind, I'm really dwelling on things. If it's a question of whether I dislike showing my emotions, then [t/n: implying that it's not a matter of liking or disliking it.] it's my nature to not let them show. Even I do not know why I am this way. Perhaps, I'm just that type of human. Therefore, everyone, though I may be flighty, letting my guard down is a no-no. Some~thing like that. *laugh*

➜ Autumn Fashion(able)

Even if it's autumn we're talking about, I don't think about making myself more stylish or anything like that. Dressing comfortably, dressing in clothes that I am able to feel comfortable in is the most important. Till this day, there hasn't been a fashion/style that I was particularly interested in. I have many clothes that are monochrome, and in addition to that, I put my clothes on without thinking about how they should go together. It's possible that I have never ever worn a casual outfit with a terrible color combination. Of course, costumes are a different thing. It's probably because I wear costumes that come in all kinds of colors that my casual wear is the reverse; I've gotten used to wearing subdued colors. Also, I don't really wear fitted clothing. For some reason, they don't suit me. Oddly enough, I see it as completely hopeless, and now I get the sense of "looks tight...!". It's probably that against expectations, I possess shoulder width. [t/n: I think he means that his shoulders are broader than expected.] You know, I'm surprising when I take my clothes off. *laugh*

year: 1995, magazine; wink up, article; doumoto kouichi

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