Gah, what happened to me? D:
Really, this is the longest break I’ve had on LJ since I made this account. I’m so sorry T~T
What happened? I guess it was a mix of things…
1) Moving into an apartment (rather than dorms) + apartment problems
2) Fall quarter = 4 classes (2 of which were upper div CS classes)
3) Laziness (=my post writing skills is a chore)
This school year, I am living in a dorm with one of my friends. (That already screams of some roommate issues and dynamics…)This area is suuuper expensive, so guess where all my money is going towards? =_=;;
Not to mention, I go out to eat more often than not so that increases my costs… (more on this in TWO)
I actually really like my apartment. Other than price of course. The size is decently large, with a great kitchen and “nice” bathroom. The water pressure is amazing. Location wise, I love how convenient it is! I thought it was kind of far from campus when I was apartment-searching, but actually, it’s quite close. At least, for me. Since I’m an engineer, most of my classes are in south/middle of campus. Which is like, 15 minutes away from here on foot. Not to mention, my walking route does not need to be on the hills! So I’m actually walking on relatively flat land until I get to campus. And going into town is literally two blocks away; much closer than when I was in the dorms!
But like most other places, this apartment isn’t perfect. (I’d be paranoid if it were)
A week and a half after I moved in, we found cockroaches in the bathroom. COCKROACHES. Ew. DX
They were nasty little buggers, and quite fast too. Thankfully, they stopped coming by after we spread some roach powder. But since this was powder and not spray, our floor looks dirty with white powder sprinkled in the hard-to-reach areas…
Anyways, so a few weeks later, our bathroom ceiling starts dripping. At first, I thought this was because of condensation-that I showered too long without ventilation so the fog condensed into water and clung onto the ceiling.
A few days after I noticed the dripping, our ceiling had a water bubble. Apparently the unit above us had a leaking pipe. OTL It took our landlord/maintenance man a couple of weeks to fix this.
But before then, something else weird happened. There was this black plant-like … thing … on the ceiling. After some observation, we have figured out that it was a kind of mushroom that bloomed on our ceiling and grew out of the crack left by bursting the water bubble. =__=
Okay, I’m going to stop here before I complain too much…
Last quarter, I had four classes. Now usually that isn’t much of a problem-I’ve done it before. But my classes this time were: stats, history, programming languages (CS), and software engineering (CS).
Apparently I chose two of the hardest CS classes (with one of the hardest CS professors teaching both classes) for one quarter. Not my best decision. ;~;
My CS classes basically dominated my life last quarter. I pulled all-nighters, disrupted my sleep schedule a bazillion times, and worked on code until at least 4 AM pretty much every night. Well, working on code or reading the crazy long assignments. Those were like, 150 pages for each class due before each lecture. /dead
My history wasn’t too bad at all. It was about the history of global pop, so it was quite interesting. It was basically my easy class that quarter. Though I still had to work hard for my grade there…
My stats class… I figured that I wouldn’t have too much problem with it. I mean, come on. No final (professor’s decision) with a project and two midterms instead? Not too bad.
Guess what?
I totally misjudged it. Conceptually, I understood the class. But the midterms… ohh boy! Not only was there a small time limit (classes were 50 minutes, and with intro/test prep, that left roughly 40-45 minutes per test), the tests, while being 10 problems each, had problems with multiple problems, equally to around 40-50 problems per test. Whew!
The first midterm was decent; I actually didn’t fail! But the second one… orz ;~;
Failed in the literal sense. Which, being like a substitute for a final, brought my grade down pretty damn low.
And just a few notes for this next quarter, I’m taking three classes, all CS. We’ll see how that goes. It’s only first week, and I already burned out one night…
What can I say? I’m a lazy, lazy person by nature.
In truth, I’ve been on LJ every day. I’ve read my news feed, read some articles, explored new music and videos, etc etc.
But I haven’t actually posted. OTL
One reason I don’t post frequently is because what I talk about is usually long-winded. So I actually sit and type it up on a doc or something before I actually post. Now, since because I just keep typing and typing, these things can take an hour or more to properly create. So this whole process of posting on LJ becomes another task I need to do! And my schedule is busy enough as it is. (I’m typing this now during lunch break, and I’m too lazy to work on my project, so there)
I’ll try to fix this habit, but well…
Also, although I love fangirling, I usually do it as I’m watching or listening to stuff, so I would need to find time to put it all into words and that takes more time than just consuming. (And sometimes, I just plain forget what my first reaction was… LOL) ;~;
Next post: News digest of recent(?) events