Sleeping the day away..

Apr 09, 2004 23:56

I spent the whole day sleeping..

Ok. That is definately untrue. Let's start over shall we?

I spent most of this morning reading. I read two of the books I just bought the other day. One I had started and been reading slowly (it wasn't very interesting, but hey.. it's a book. *shrug*) and the other I started at noon or so, because I wasn't ready to sleep, and finished at 2.

From 2 till about 8 I slept off and on, on the couch. Waking often for kisses and cuddles from Joe, and unable to sleep well due to a severe backache.

When I woke up I found a Banned Books of the Bible program on the History channel. It was very interesting, bringing up more questions than it answered, but explaining how the contemporary version of the Bible was first assembled.

Listening to them explain the Apochrapha (spelled wrong, I know), it occured to me how VERY catholic the Passion of Christ movie really is. I noticed the emphasis on Mary, but when I had asked people about the movie, they said it was not traditionally catholic.

I chose to ignore the overtones in the movie, focusing instead on what to me was an awakening. I wanted to say revelation, but that isn't quite true.

In the bible it says that Christ was scourged and beaten. It doesn't explain what those terms mean, presumably (to my way of thinking) because the people of that time KNEW what those terms were. After all, that is what the lived in fear of experiencing in this life.

But I didn't know what that term meant. I assumed it meant whipped, like what was done to the slaves here in the US. While it seems I wasn't WRONG, I definately wasn't RIGHT either. Christ wasn't just whipped, he was whipped with what the movie depicted as a group of leather thongs (strings, braided pieces of leather) with sharp bits of metal interwoven within. In the movie, these pieces of metal served to rip off skin as well as slice deep gashes as the whips did to the slaves.

Ok... let's stop right here and say that YES I know it is a movie, and that this may or may not be a correct depiction of what scourging meant. I havne't researched the movie to find out if THEY researched what was shown. Judging from what I think I know about Mel Gibson's passion for acurately displaying the brutality of the human race against itself, I am going to take a leap of logic and guess that this portrayal of the beating of Christ is at minimum 65% correct.

During the history we ourselves have recorded of the human race, my conclusion is that there is within each of us a brutal monster. Let's be honest, and admit that I have had some very graphically horrific thoughts about my ex husbands. Other people as well, but they are the stars of my daymares.

I feel that I am a gentle person by nature, but I am not so self-delusional as to believe that I don't have it in me to rip someone into shreds given the 'right' circumstances. What mother wouldn't fiercely avenge a wrong done to her child? They say the female of the species is typically the more viscious, and if I am any indication of that premise, I can only agree.

So where does that leave me? Sitting here at my computer with a million thoughts whirling around my head. Would I have been a disciple, actively involved in persecuting Jesus and his followers, or would I have felt then as I feel now? Detached and seperated from what is going on around me by a deep conviction that I can do nothing to change what I see? I could list, and just might eventually, all the things I think are wrong with people and the world overall, but I am one voice in a sea of contradicting screaming... for blood, for revenge, maybe in sheer agony. But how can one voice be heard in this din?

I see the people in this world thru my own experiences. I can't be objective, because I AM one of them. It seems as though we are a world lost, alone, afraid and angry. Our souls are screaming for change, peace, love, security.. yet the One who can provide all that we need is the very one we reject over and over again.

I am confusing myself, and probably you as well. There is so much I want to say to me using this journal, but it is so hard to stick to only ONE topic with so many on the tip of my tongue.

I pray that your day has had some peace, happiness and love. Take care of you.
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