(no subject)

May 07, 2011 19:51

$8.15 = £5.00 (approximately)
$2.40 = £1.54 (approximately)

The Giant Rhinos In Space Dummy Book is a limited print run.
There are 18 copies left to be sold and there will be no more print runs for the comic in this format

The book includes -

Giant Rhinos In Space Chapter 1
Character Sheets
Development and Design work
Location Drawings
A unique sketch by the illustrator

www.giantrhinos.blogspot.com for more information on the project.

Books printed by Print-X http://www.thefallenangel.co.uk/printx/
Giant Rhinos In Space Dummy Book available from Etsy! 

I printed far too many Dummy books of my FMP so I've decided to sell them. (it cost me quite a bit of money to get them printed -) I wont be printing any more so I only have 18 to sell. I've put them online today and then taking the rest to Bristol Small Press Expo. (in a week)

I'm not really sure what my plan is for Giant Rhinos In Space. at the moment its sort of on hold while I'm working on pitching children's comics (more of a market in the uk) and try to get a part time job at the same time. I know what I'd like to do with it, but I've aimed quite high and need to up the quality and sort out the massivveee mistakes I made from rushing to finish things for the university year.

I'm sure I wont completely abandon it, but I'm not imagining it will be any time soon when I manage to sort it out without rushing and making another mess out of it.

etsy, online comic shop, dummy books, giant rhinos in space

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