I have no talent in drawing, if you think my work is good - thats the hard work I put in. so yeh .... this time last year I was avoiding having to paint and managed to boost my AS grade C to a overall A level B for fine art .... you can pass on being conceptual, it's not all about talent in art. I had a great time making these, and here at home I have a MASSIVE box full of images I kept for collages that I never got time to make. I'd love to just sit there and make loads more of them ... but I guess theres no time. I hope the funny ones cheer you up if you're feeling down anyway. :)
8D these are actually photos of the collages taken on my phone - I'm actually amazed how well they came out on the screen. obviously there was some 'colour correction' and cropping involved ... but wow ... I'm pleased :)
... I was hoping to be really productive and not make the same mistakes as my Christmas holiday. but a head cold paralyzed me for the majority of this week. I feel better today. its like all the stuff blocking up my head has nearly all come out my nose now ... XD just to give you the gorey details. I'm hoping tomorrow I will be able to get some work done.