'm updating the webcomic early today, because I have a group presentation later which needs double checking and tweaking before hand, and I'd rather not have to break to upload and stuff ... because I'll just get distracted.
sorry, its only 1 page this week, I was thinking of posting 2 because it annoys me how little of the story you get weekly. but at the weekend I'm going to change a couple of colours on the next page which printed out horrible - so really I'm just saving you from other monitors making the colours look horrible too.
I should probably mention the university zine society finally got round to printing something. I grabbed myself a copy from the SU bar so I'll take a photo at the weekend or something. I hope this encourages the group to do more ... it seems that 1 person is doing all the work (luckily not me in this case) which is cool that they have the passion for it, but if more where helping out there would be less spelling mistakes and things .... and yeh ... I'd help out lot more if I wasn't constantly casing up a load of other people for other printing things (which I was doing long before the zine society started and need to still doing else that will fail)
I have mixed opinions about 'zines' anyway ... but maybe thats a topic for another time.